What is happening??

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Thing's have been suprisingly calm since Aaron showed up on our first date. Jack and I kept getting closer as we had dinner together every night after work (and sadly that was it, just dinner and sometimes a movie). Recently Jack has me going to the gym as my own physical therapy, to get my arms better and stronger. They've healed up quite nicely but there are still obvious scars.

I gripped the bar tight with my hands and gently lifted it off its hook and pulled the weight down to my chest, then slowly out twords the ceiling. I repeated this a few times till my arms couldn't take it anymore. I pushed up one more time and put the bar back on its hook. I got up and slid the weights off each side and put them back up neatly before grabbing a towel and wiping the sweat off me as I heard a giggling behind me. I couldn't help but feel my lips smile, as I turned around to see my green haired leprechaun eyeing me up and down so I flexed in a goofy pose which made him blush and giggle even more.

"Lookin' good Mark! Yer gettin stronger every time we come here!" I smiled again and gave a little bow twords him.

"All thanks to my personal trainer and boyfriend" I looked up and gave him a wink makimg him blush even more.

"Oh stop it! Only you can do the work and make the progress, im just here to yell at ya till ya do it." He gave me a wink back and I chuckled, he was right after all. "Hey, im gonna go shower an get ready, we gotta run some errands before we have ta get to work. It is Saturday! Gotta open early!"

"Okay, I'll just do a few curls to top off today and I'll meet you in there." He smiled and waved goodbye as he went to shower in the locker room. I went over the the weights and picked up one in each hand. Lifting them up one at a time, rotating from left to right. I felt a breath on my neck and my body froze.

"So Jack has a new boy toy huh?" He scoffed. "You won't last long, I didn't. As soon as you get close, he'll toss you out and take everything you have."

I gritted my teeth and turned around facing the stranger. "What do yo-" he was already walking away. I put the weights down and started to walk after him when Jack ran in from out of nowhere, he looked paler than ever before and his eyes were full of worry.

"Mark we have to go!! Now!!" He grabbed my hand and tugged me along.

"Jack what's wrong? U havent even taken a shower yet!" He had my bag of stuff strapped over his shoulder already and as he looked back at me with a heartbreaking look.

"Something happened, I need to get to the club NOW and take care of it! You can change in the car as I drive!"


"There's no time to explain! We have to go!" Jack pushed open the front doors of the gym and unlocked his car. His grip got tighter around my wrist and it began to hurt. I tried to pull away and keep asking what was wrong. Ive never seen him like this.

"Jack," I whined, "please let go you're-" he opened the car door for me and snapped at me, his voice louder than I've ever heard it.

"I SAID GET IN THE CAR MARK!!" I flinched backwards and hurried in the back seat of the car. Jack slammed the door behind me and slamed his door as he put on his seatbelt. Both times I jumped at the loud noise and felt myself shrinking back into the seat. I didn't bother to change in the car for Jack sped all the way to the club, taking sharp turns and hitting hard breaks, screaming at every red light and stop sign. Finally we pulled up to the club and we both quickly got out of the car, me grabbing my bag with my uniform and Jack already in his suit. He ran in the club and instructed for Cry to bartend while Gabriel and Felix danced. He would be in his office where NO ONE was to disturb him. We all just nodded and I kept my eyes on the floor, holding my bag close to me until Jack left and I felt a hand on my shoulder making me jump back and put my hands over my head.

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