What Have I Done?

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There were 4 cop cars and an ambulance in the parking lot of the club. Felix was already talking to an officer when Cry opened my door for me, giving me a pleading look as Felix's voice rose in anger.


"Sir, I really need you to calm down. Your friend is on edge and giving a statement."


The cop looked over to me and slowly approached me. "Sir, are you Mark? Mark Fischbach?" I nodded my head yes. "I'm gonna need you to come with me to identify the man you saw earlier with your boss or...boyfriend." Identify?

He lead me to one of the cop cars and there was a man inside the backseat, cuffed. I knew the back of his head, it was the asshole Jack was with. But I had seen him from somewhere else too...... "Mr. Fischbach, do you know this man? Did you see him in the club tonight?"

"Yes, he was in Jack's office with him."

The cop nodded and closed the door. "I'm sorry but I have to ask, did you see this man doing anything.... inappropriate with Jack?" All I did was shake my head yes. "Thank you, now I need to take you to my partner to get your statement.

"I'm sorry but what is this all about?"

"I can't answer that, I'm sorry. Just please come with me." He took me around a few other cars and twaods the ambulance where I felt my heart break even more. Jack was sitting in the opened back with a blanket wrapped around him, his eyes swollen shut as heavy tears poured down his face. His lips were darker and slightly swollen with a little white band aid on it. As we approached Jack looked at the floor and wiped his eyes with the blanket.

"J- Jack??" His head shot up and our eyes connected making my heart still melt.

"MARK!! Yer okay!!!" He jumped up and squeezed the breath out of me in a hug. It took every ounce of me to not hug him back. Jack slowly let go of me and looked at me with worry clearly written on his face. "Mark, I swear, it really wasn't what you think! Please let me explain!"

I gently grabbed his chin and lifted it up, letting me see the cut on the corner of his bottom lip and a bruise forming around his neck. More tears rolled down Jack's cheeks as his words came out in a mere whisper.

"I tried to run Mark, I tried to fight. But I never could win. I was finally getting better just for him to come knock it all back down again!"

"Jack, tell me the truth, what happened?"

"Mark...the man you saw was my ex fiancee, Billy. He was in prison for what he did to me, but he got out on parole I guess, and he....he..." Jack stuttered, struggling to say what I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. "Mark, he tried to rape me, and when I fought he fought better. Luckily I clicked my drink button to call for help and he kissed me to make me stop screaming. I closed my eyes to make it go away when you walked in and ran off. I called out to you to help, I thought I had lost you."

More tears welled up in his eyes as I wrapped my arms around him and held him close. "Jack, I'm so sorry! I was stupid for believeing what I saw, for thinking you would hurt me." He sighed in relief as he wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me close.

"I promised, I wouldn't hurt you if you didn't hurt me. I would never hurt you Mark."

"God Jack this is my fault, how can I ever make it up to you?"

"Take me out fer a drink? That would be top right about now!" We both chuckled lightly.

"Yeah, i'd like that." I awkwardly rubbed my neck and Jack gave out a nervous chuckle.

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