He's gone!!

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It must have been the medicine but I had the worst nightmare I've ever had before! I woke up strapped down to a cold table. A shadowed figure leaning over me, I should have been able to see their face but for some reason I couldn't. 

"I'm tired of waiting. Waiting for my time! You kept me waiting for too long. Now....now it's my turn. And you don't get a choice!"

The shadowded figure quickly started taking a more defined shape...of....me? No, that wasn't me. It looked like me but his eyes, they were darker, almost black. His hair was a dark red and slicked back. "Who...who are you?"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm now you." He smiled evily as he leaned in and touched my face with his hand. His body turned into a pile of thick, black smoke as it sank into my body, making my blood run cold all over as goosebumps raised on my arms and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. I screamed as I felt my body shift, my bones felt like they were snapping then fixing themselves. It was the most painful thing I've ever expierenced!!

"MARK! FER FUCK SAKES WAKE UP BABE!!" My eyes snapped open to Jack shaking me violently. "Finally! You were screaming and crying, I heard ya from the other room! Are you okay?" He wiped tears away from my cheeks.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just a bad dream."

Jack sat next to me and held my hand. "You've been havin' those a lot lately. You wanna talk about it?"

"No, not right now." I pulled him close to me like I normally did and I kissed his cheek multiple times. "Happy birthday Jackaboy." He giggled and tried to push me away.

"Stop it Markiomoo!" His cheeks blushed hard as I kissed down his neck. "Mark stop, the guys will be here soon!"

"Good, they have to keep you distracted while I get your present."

Jack rolled his eyes, "I know, and they have to be gone when ya come back."

"Yep, or else the present won't turn out like I planned." I got out of bed and put on a shirt and and pants. Jack got out of bed and pulled me to him, kissing me deeply and I tried to do the same. The doorbell rang and I pulled away. "They're here." Jack stuck his bottom lip out. "What's wrong?"

"That means you have to go. I don't want to spend my birthday without you." I lifted his chin up and placed a gentil kiss on his lips.

"It'll only be a few hours, you'll live." He smiled and we went to let our guests in. Felix, Cry, Gabriel, and some of Jack's other friends all screamed as soon as thw door opened.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY LADDY!!!" They all tackled Jack in a group hug and I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks guys!!" Jack just smiled and hugged everyone back. As they all came inside I gave them all hugs one by one. Saying hello and goodbye at the same time.

"Y'all know the plan, I'll be back in a few!"

"Okay, it's bullshit we can't be here for the suprise though!!"

"That's because it's not meant for all of you, it's specifically for Jack, and Jack alone!" They all rolled their eyes as Felix held up drinks, causing them all to cheer once more. I got in the car and drove to my destination. I entered in the large heavy fence. I turned my head from side to side and popped my neck.

A big "tough" guy puffed his chest out as I approached the main entry way. "Where are you going punk?"

"I'm here for pickup."

"The animal shelter is a few streets over pretty boy." I gritted my teeth together.

"That's not what I'm looking for. I'm here for her." He nodded and stepped aside a little bit. I walked past and shoulder bumped the man hard. As I entered the room filled with growls and barking. I looked around, trying to find her, the one I was here for.

Stripped of LoveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ