He's Comming

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I drifted off to sleep with Jack's head on my chest. It wasn't my normal dream though, when I woke up in the dream I was surrounded by darkness. An evil chuckle surrounded me.

Ahhh....so You're finally here. I've been waiting for you.." I turned around in a circle before dashing off in a random direction. I'm used to nightmare but nothing like this! It's normally just reliving what Aaron used to do to me, but this...this wasn't Aaron's voice. I ran and ran till my lungs nearly exploded. Trying to find my way out, but no luck.

You know...if you would have just let me in...none of this would of happened. We wouldn't have to play like this!" I turned around and saw a dark orb like shape chasing me. I continued to run and run until till I heard Jack screaming.

"MARK! WAKE UP YA BLOAT! TIME FER WORK!!" I opened my eyes and saw my handsome Jack buttoning up his under shirt of his suit.

"Huh?" I rubbed my eyes and felt how sweaty my face was. That's right, work. I've been working my ass off and hiding my tips from Jack so I could surprise him with what hes always wanted, for his birthday present next week. Its crazy how quickly things are changing! Jack and I have been sleeping in the same room now for a few weeks and I LOVE it!!

"You okay babe? Yer sweatin" I sat up and ran my fingers through my hair.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine, just a bad dream." I smiled at him and he smiled back at me. I got out of bed and put on my uniform. When I was done Jack wrapped his arms around my waist as he kissed my neck giggling.

"I love my man in uniform." He said giggling as he bit my neck, making me bite my lip.

"Is it cause it's your uniform??" I eyed Jack as he pinched my ass.

"Maybe. Maybe not. Either way we're late so come on!" He grabbed my hand as we fled out of the door and into the car. He held my hand as we drove to the club were Cry, Felix, and Gabriel were standing outside leaning against the wall. Felix threw his hands up in the air as we parked. Jack laughed as we got out. "Sorry, Mark decided to sleep in."

I rolled my eyes as Jack opened the door letting everyone in to start our night. Jack got behind the bar as the guys went to the back to change. I leaned on the bar and watched Jack as he prepped. I was already in uniform and ready to go as soon as customers showed up. Tonight should be the last night I need good tips for Jack's birthday present! I couldn't wait!! Jack rolled his eyes when he caught my glances.

"Like what ya see?" He winked at me.

"I love that it's all mine" I winked back at him as a blush started to form on his cheeks. Before we knew it a flood of people came in through the front doors, quickly filling up. "Time to go strut my stuff." I walked from table to table, taking orders for drinks, again ignoring all the flirts and ass pinches and dollars stuffed in my shorts. I turned around to give Jack the orders but saw someone sexually stroking his arm. Jack smiles and shook his head no and took a step back. The guy leaned in closer and grabbed Jack by his shirt, pulling him closer. I ran over and decked him in the back of the head.

"Let go of him!" I growled in a deeper voice than I've ever used before.

"Mark! What the hell?!" Jack screamed from behind the bar as he motioned for the guards to come and collect the customer. He got up before they were there and he swung his fist aiming for my face. I caught his fist in my hand before swinging my free hand at his face one more time. Jack caught my arm before it connected and pulled me back as the guards pulled the drunken customer away. "Mark, my office, NOW!" Jack growled as he let me go. I turned and walked away, heading towards Jack's office.

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