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LØRDAG 20:00

"You can just set the last of the boxes there."

The U-haul man nodded and placed the boxes on the floor near the new furniture.

I thank the man as he walks out the door. I pay him his share and once again thank him. I close the door to my new apartment, and let out a deep sigh.

I walk over one of the boxes. I open it and take out my bluetooth speakers. I place it on the floor and connect my phone to it.

As my playlist begins playing, I walk over to the new furniture that is wrapped in plastic, and begin to unwrap the couches and the rest of the furniture.

The rest of the night is spent organizing everything and trying to make my new apartment feel like home.

It takes about 6 hours to get my apartment in order. All the kitchen appliances are put away in their place, and the living room is decorated with all of the new furniture, as well as the rest of the house.

I disconnect my phone from the speakers, and I see that it's 2 in the morning. I realize that my mother texted me at 10 p.m. I open the message.

Mother: Hello darling, I just got off from work. Your father should be home in an hour or so, you know he gets off of work late. Did you get situated in your new apartment yet? I hope that you're well and that you like your new school. Though I don't know why you wanted to study so far from home. And say hello to William from me and your father. Mom.

I don't decide to text her back because she's probably sleeping. My parents have always worked till late. They're workaholics. But I don't blame them. With only me as their child, they didn't have much to do at home. They weren't like this when I was younger, but as soon as I reached the age of 10, they decided that I could walk to school alone, as well as walk back home.

I go into my room and lay down on my bed. I groan due to my back pain from all the organizing.

I unlock my phone and scroll through my instagram feed. I see a picture of William with his friend next to him, and they're holding beers in their hands.

I roll my eyes, knowing that William has always liked partying especially now since he is about to graduate. I like the picture and continue scrolling down my feed.

I notice a picture that Isak posted. The picture is Isak, standing next to his friend and a girl with dark ginger hair. I like the picture and then lock my phone.

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