Chapter 7

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Your POV

~A few months later~

Zen and I had gotten married a month in a half ago. We've been waiting for the day to come and we didn't care the baby wasn't his. We were just happy for it to arrive.

The baby came soon enough. I smiled when I saw her. She had green eyes. Gray hair and my neko aide. I smiled. She looks like Stein. I smile and Zen takes her.

I sit there and watch as he makes faces and she laughs. "What is the baby's  name?" I hear. I look up and smile. "Her name is Frankie Anne (l/n) ." I said. The nurse nodded and walked off. I smiled and looked at Zen. He looked at me.

"I love the name. And our daughter." He said. I smiled and nodded. "So do I." I said. She soon fell asleep and we were able to leave.


It's been a week now. Since Zen and I were at the top of our class we were able to graduate early. But the only one that wasn't there. Was stein. I guess he was upset with me still. Because Maka told me that after I left. He stopped showing up for class. He stopped leaving his lab. He stopped everything.

I told Zen that I was worried and that I was going to go over. He told me to be careful and to call him when I was on my way home. I left soon after that and walked to the lab. I stood out of the front door and looked around.

I rang the bell and the door opened slowly after. He saw me and tried to close the door. I grabbed it and let myself in. "Why are you here?" He asked. "We need to talk." I said. He looked at me and signed.

"I heard you quit your job. Quit leaving your lab. You quit everything." I said. He nodded. " that tends to happen when you find out you can't even see your own daughter." He said. "How did you?" I asked. "Naigus told me." He said. "What's her name?" He asked. I looked at him and smiled. "Frankie Anne (l/n). She looks like you too." I said. He smiled and nodded. "How?" He asked. "She has your eyes and hair. But has my ears and tail." I said. He smiled and sighed.

"I have a picture." I said and held it up. He came over and quickly grabbed it while I chuckled. "She's beautiful." He said and I stood. "She gets that from you." I said. He looked at me. "Promise me you'll go to work tomorrow." I said. He gave a reluctant nod. I hugged him. "I love you more than you know." I said. I let go and walked out. "Wait." He said. I turned and he sighed. "If I cannot see her. Will you at least tell her about me?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. "I will everyday." I said he nodded and I left. I made it home and smiled. "Zen he'll go to work tomorrowww." I sang. He smiled and hugged me. We lived happily after that. Stein continued his job and I told Frankie about her biological father everyday. I even went against my own word and let her see him at school. The smile he gave when she first tugged in his pant leg and said daddy. Was the one I will never forget.

Even though we aren't a complete family. We still are and sometimes its the split families that are the best.

Yay that is done. *cracks knuckles* now we have an alternate ending with Steiiin. Stay tuned for that one. The name for the baby will be the same. I'll start it where you go to class and after you decline Zens proposal... TCCL out!

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