Chapter 11

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Aro decided to put me in a stronger cell. Whatever it was made of was more draining than the first cell and there were no rocks or crevices for me to try and escape from it. I lay on the ground, my heart aching for Leah. Just then, the locked door opened and I await for some kind of insult, but instead I hear a gasp. I look up and I'm surprised to see my old friend, Raquelle. She looks at me in shock. We stare at each other before she runs to me, hugging me close to her. I hear sniffles coming from her and I wrap my arms around her, clinging to her. It felt amazing to finally see a loving face. "Anna?" she asks in her familiar soft voice. I smiled through my tears, "Yes, Raquelle?" She sighs happily, "I missed you." I nodded in agreement before pulling away from our hug. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

She sighs, "Remember when she died and how I 'disappeared'?" I nodded, frowning. "Well, I didn't just leave. Aro took me. He found out that I could make pregnancies. He told me that you were dead and that he's taking me in. He said that I had to get his wife pregnant. His wife had a baby girl. Her name's Maya and she's been my friend here for as long as I can remember. That girl absolutely despises Aro and she's seen so much horror." I frowned, "No one should have to go through so much so young." Raquelle nods, "She'd do anything to get out of here." I look at my best friend who I'd missed so much. "Next time you bring me my meal, bring Maya. I wish to meet her," I tell Raquelle. She nods at my request before standing up, "I have to go." Just as she was about to leave, she turns and faces me, "I forgot to mention. Guess who else is a prisoner." I give Raquelle a questioning look and she sighs, "Jenna, your cousin."


It felt like days since Raquelle's visit, even though it was probably only a few hours, and my thought have gone all over the place. My cousin has been locked away here for who knows how long, Raquelle is also being held here, and I'm a prisoner as well. I wonder who else I know and care about is held captive. Frowning, I look around my dark cell, still finding no way I could possibly escape. The door opens again and I growl lowly when I see Jane walk in, here gaze fixed onto mine, a faint smirk on her lips as she approaches me. "Aro would like to see you," she explains, snapping her fingers. Raquelle walks in, briefly making eye contact with me before putting heavy shackles on my wrists and ankles. I huff as Jane roughly grabs my arm and drags me out of my cell with my friend following us to the throne room.

Jane shoves me onto the ground of the throne room, a growl escaping my lips as I felt Xerona's presence in the back of my mind, feeling my eyes change into reptilian slits. "You know why I've sent for you?" asks Aro. I look up at him before looking around the large room, my gaze falling on Raquelle who stood next to my old friend Nick. Nick's eyes land on me, widening as she bites her lip, not knowing what to do. I frown. What is she doing here? A low growl catches my attention and I look over my shoulder to see Jane glaring at me threateningly. That's when I caught on. Jane is her mate. I don't argue with Jane, knowing how protective she must be. I turn my gaze back over to Aro, a young woman standing next to him catches my eye. She was strikingly beautiful, admittingly. Her features in a way resembled Aro's and I recognized her after her silver eyes meet mine. Maya. She's Aro's daughter. I scented the air and realized that she is part wolf. We met a long time ago...


"Nick, where are we going?" I asked as my friend led me away from her house, giggling as she grabs my hand and starts running with me in tow. "I want to show you something!" she says excitedly. Nick was only four years older than me, but took me under her wing when I'd gotten lost in the woods a year ago. She found me and took me back home. Since then, we've been best friends, going on adventures. I was sixteen, her being twenty, when she brought me into the woods. We stopped running to see a large clearing with a lake, the water crystal clear and tall trees protecting the small paradise. Everyday we started coming here to hangout. It was our place.

This time however, was different. I laid on the soft grass while I watched Nick skip rocks across the lake. "It's so peaceful today," I commented. Nick nodded, "A beautiful day." We sit in a comfortable silence until we hear the crunching of leaves, making me sit up and Nick stop what she was doing, her eyes scanning the trees. I stood up and look around slowly, my eyes landing on a young girl about my age. She was very beautiful. Her eyes were a striking silver, her skin was a soft cream color, flawless for a teenager. Her hair was an inky black that fell down to the small of her back in soft waves. She gave me a soft smile before stepping out into the sunlight, her skin seemed to glow. Nick is the first to speak, "Who are you?"

"My name is Maya. I was taking a walk when I heard people so I came to see what was going on. Sorry if I startled you," Maya comments with a smile. "It's fine. Want to join us?" I asked, Nick giving me a side glance, her eyes suspiciously inspecting the pretty girl for any sign of malice. "That would be lovely," Maya says, walking closer to us and sitting in the grass, Nick and I sitting as well. We have a nice conversation about random teenager things like movies and celebrities. Then I smelled the air, my grin turning into a frown as I smelled her odd scent. It was a mixture of werewolf and vampire much to my confusion. "What's wrong?" Maya asks, looking at me with concern. "Y-you're a hybrid?" I stuttered, confused. Nick scents the air as well, "Your scent changed!" My friend growls at the stranger, approaching her cautiously, studying her every move. I quickly put a hand on her shoulder, stopping Nick's advances. Maya's smile turns to a frown, her eyes flashing with sadness.

"I-I'm sorry." She sounded so defeated, her head hanging in shame. Before we could say anything else, five vampires stepped into the clearing. Right then, I knew who they were. My mother spoke of them with such hate and disgust. I memorized their names and powers, studying them so I could prepare myself. The Volturi. I looked at Maya sadly, "You work for them?" She doesn't respond, but I noticed a blood tear escaping one of her eyes, her vampire side preventing her from crying real tears. She quickly wipes it away as the five members gracefully walked over to us. Nick growls, standing protectively in front of me. Aro, the leader, steps forward. "Well done, my child. We'll take it from here," he addresses Maya and disbelief washes over me. She's his daughter. I nervously take Nick's hand in mine, intertwining our fingers. The only female of the Volturi present, Jane, studied Nick with a look I can only describe as wanting and possibly love. Her gaze wanders down to our hands and fixes her gaze on me, glaring angrily. I quickly let go before asking, "W-what do you want?"

"Straight to the point I see," Aro chuckles in amusement, a bit of anger flowing through me. "She asked you a question," Nick growls through gritted teeth. Aro ignores my friend, "You, my dear, have a very interesting bloodline. You know what you are, love?" I nodded hesitantly, not letting my guard down. "Then you know why we are here. But, I'll tell you anyway. My dear shifter, your powers are most valuable and it would be a shame if you wasted them on nothing your whole life. However, they would never be wasted if you joined my family. You'd be a very powerful member among my ranks. Maybe even a leader if you worked hard enough. So, what do you say?" Aro asks, studying me with his chilling red eyes. "I'm sorry, but I'm not interested," I tell him, my voice surprisingly strong with conviction. His gaze hardens slightly, "I hope that you will reconsider your decision. You wouldn't want anything bad to... happen. Your talents should not waste away here." I shake my head and firmly state, "This is my final decision, Aro. I do not wish to join you, Thank you for your offer, but I will not take it." He growls and turns to walk away, gesturing for his minions to follow him. Before he disappears, he stops and over his shoulder says, "I hope you know you've made a terrible mistake. Watch your back, young shifter." With that, they all disappear, leaving Nick and I by ourselves.

-End of flashback-

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