Chapter 4

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        Jasper, Alice, Emmet, Rosalie, and I reach the art class and sit in the back. “Ah, I see we have a new student. Hello, my name is Mr. Saint. What is your name?” a man asks over the students. “I’m Anastasia Swan, but call me Anna”, I smile at him and he nods. “Now, I have a project that I wish to assign. Don’t worry, it is not due until after winter break. I want you to make a piece of art of your family or that symbolizes your family. For today, I want you to draw a portrait of someone in the classroom. Before class ends, I’ll come around and grade everyone’s art. Get to work”, Mr. Saint says. I grab a pencil and a sheet of paper before deciding whom to draw. I glance at the Cullens and decide to draw a picture of both Rosalie and Alice. Drawing has always been one of my many talents and it helps me calm down if I feel angry and am about to shift.

    My pencil gently brushes the paper as I capture the perfect, model-like figures of Alice and Rosalie. In my drawing, Alice was staring out into the distance, as if searching for something while Rosalie’s eyes were trained on the viewer, standing with elegance and ready to pounce on anyone in her way. I made forest scenery around them and made it look like the viewer was in a bush, spying on the two. With a small smile, I add color using colored pencils, careful not to smudge pencil markings. The classroom was silent as everyone was so into his or her work, time seemed to pass by so fast. “Time’s up. Put down your pencils. Now, it is time for me to grade your work”, Mr. Saint’s voice breaks the silence and pencils clatter onto the tables as they’re put down.

    When he comes to our table, he goes to Emmet first, who drew a fairly good picture of Rosalie and himself. Jasper drew a good one of Alice and Rosalie did an okay one of Emmet. Alice does a really good job of drawing Jasper and I. “Good, now, how about you, Anna?” Mr. Saint asks and everyone looks at me with curiosity. “I warn you that I’m not very good”, I say, blushing slightly. Mr. Saint smiles, “No worries. You’re here to learn.” I sigh deeply and turn the paper around so it’s facing everyone. Rosalie and Alice gasp, taking in the art in my hands. “That’s amazing art skills you have, Anna. Where did you learn?” Mr. Saint asks in awe. I smile, “I taught myself actually. It comes to me naturally I suppose.” Everyone looks at me with disbelief and I just shrug. The bell rings and Mr. Saint collects everyone’s art before we leave for our next class.

    “You really taught yourself how to draw like that?” Emmet asks and I smile. “Yes, I did. I can’t wait to do the family drawing project. I have a good idea for it” I smirk mischievously. They laugh at me as we enter the music classroom. A blonde and two brunettes walk up to me. “So, you’re the new girl. The name is Sasha and these are my friends Amy and Chloe”, she says, gesturing to her friends. The Cullens go sit in the back on beanbags and I turn to her, taking in her fake smile and slutty attire. “Anastasia, aka Anna. How can I help you?” I ask, a little annoyed. Amy chuckles, “We want to be clear that we own the school and singing is our thing. I bet you can’t sing as good as you look.” Chloe nods, “Yeah, I bet you have an awful voice.” I laugh and decide to play along, “Oh, you got me. Singing is so not my thing. I’m better at drawing and other art. Don’t worry, I don’t steal spotlights.” Sasha eyes me up and down before her green eyes glint flirtatiously, “No, but you are cast into my sight. Maybe we can hangout sometime?” I place my hands on my hips and smirk, “Sorry, but you’re not my type. See you around I suppose.” Before they could respond, I laugh and walk over to the Cullens and sit in a beanbag next to Alice.

    “What the hell was that?” Rosalie asks with wide eyes. “Well, I rejected the slut, Sasha, and pretended that I had no musical talent whatsoever. Now, I predict that she and co are going to challenge me to see who sings better considering they’re big ego makes them stuck up”, I conclude innocently. Emmet booms with laughter and Jasper has an amused look on his face while Alice and Rosalie look at me exasperated. “You do realize that you’re going against the most popular girls in school and that they can ruin your reputation if you lose”, Alice says with a frown. I chuckle and don’t respond as the teacher walks into the room. “Ah, we have a new student. My name is Ms. Sanchez and you are?” she asks kindly. I smile, “I’m Anastasia Swan, but please call me Anna.” Ms. Sanchez smiles, “Now, to start off, everyone has to sing a song. Either a solo or group performance and I will grade it.

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