The Golden Beast (Twilight Fanfiction) GxG

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Living on the streets isn’t exactly the best-case scenario for a seventeen-year-old girl, especially alone with little food and nothing but a cardboard box to call home. She didn’t always used to live like this. In fact, she had a mother and two half brothers and they all lived in a nice home in Miami, Florida. Even though her father left when she was young, the family lived peacefully and happily. But just the year before, her family was killed in a fire, but the girl’s life was spared. Child services came and they filed a record for her in case of adoption. The local orphanage didn’t have enough funds to support a teenage girl, so she had to live on the streets, not that she had a choice. One day, her social worker visited the girl and told her that they found her biological father that lives in Forks, a small town in Washington State, and that she is going on a flight to Seattle where he lives. Apparently, he lives with her half sister.

That girl happens to be me, Anastasia Swan. The girl from the streets of Miami is currently on a plane across America to Seattle where her father was going to get me from the airport and drive us to Forks. Here are a few things about me that you should know. I’m a shape shifter and I can change into any animal I can think of. My tiger was the first animal I changed into when I turned fifteen. My mother was a shifter and I inherited her powers. I can also mask my scent so I smell like a human to other supernatural creatures; my senses are 10x better than a human, and I become immortal when I turn twenty. My looks are abnormally beautiful. My hair is a long wavy gold with white and black tips that ended just above my waist. My eyes are a chocolate brown, but turn dark purple when I’m angry and about to shift. My skin is a soft tan and my lips are a dark red. I guess you could say my body was well-built, muscular, curves in all the right places, and large breasts, but I hate showing off, so I usually wear baggy clothes.

I sigh as I stare out the window, watching the clouds float past as I listen to some music. “Miss, would you like something to drink?” asks a voice and I turn to see a flight attendant with a food cart in the middle of the isle. I nod, “Yes. Can I have Dr. Pepper please? Oh, and what time is it?” The flight attendant hands me my beverage and says, “Its almost two o’clock. We have about fifteen more minutes until we land.” I thank her and she continues down the isle. Fifteen minutes until I meet my dad and half sister. What were their names again? Oh yeah, Charlie and Isabella Swan. Put my iPhone in my pocket and my earphones in my bag before sipping my drink.

“Thank you for choosing American Airlines”, the pilot says in the intercom, signaling that we could get up and get out of here. Eventually, I am off the plane and following the signs to where the pickup line is. People wave to friends and family as they walk out of the terminal. Then I see a man with a sign that had my name on it, so I walk over and he gives me a kind smile. “Hello, Anastasia. I’m Charlie, your dad”, he greets, giving me an awkward hug. I return the smile, “Hey, dad. Please, call me Anna.” Charlie nods and I ask, “Don’t you live with my half sister?” He shakes his head, “I did, but Bella got married and she lives with her husband and daughter, but we visit. Don’t worry, she said that they’ll come later today to meet you.” I nod and he helps me with my luggage, taking everything to his car. We get in and we silently drive to Forks.

“Why don’t you go settle in your room, which is up the stairs and the first room to your left? Bella, Edward, and Renesmee are going to be here in an hour”, Charlie tells me and I nod, taking my luggage before going into the small white house. When I walk in my room, I notice the light blue walls and the bed in the corner covered in red sheets and blankets. There was a dresser and a small closet as well. I liked it was warm and cozy, yet still my style. I unpack using my inhuman speed before leaving my room and walking down the stairs when the scent hit me like bricks: roses and blood. I knew that scent very well, vampires. Immediately, I mask my scent so I smell human and then I walk outside to see four figures.

One was my dad, Charlie. The second was a tall man, pale with golden eyes. He looked young and well built, definitely a vampire. The third was a tall woman; I think she is Bella. She’s also pale, but her eyes were brown? She smelled like a vampire though. Maybe she was pretending not to be because Charlie would suspect something. The last was a young teenage girl, perhaps a year or two younger then me. She was pale, but her eyes were normal as well. The thing was she only smelled of roses. This confused me, but I put a smile on my face and walk over to everyone. “Hey, I’m Anastasia, but everyone calls me Anna”, I greet, holding out a hand to shake. The man smiles back, “I’m Edward Cullen, husband of your sister, Bella.” He shakes my hand and I ignore the ice, cold feel of his hand. Edward looks a little confused, but hides it and lets go of my hand.

“Hi, Anna. I’m Isabella Cullen, but I prefer Bella”, my sister says with a smile, also shaking my hand, ice cold once again. I grin and turn to the teenage girl, who grins, “Hello! I’m Renesmee, but everyone calls me Nessie.” We shake hands and Charlie says I can hangout with them, but to be back before dark. I nod and turn my attention to the Cullens. “So, Anna, where are you from? Dad never told me much about you except for the fact that you’re my sister”, Bella says as we get in their car, her and Edward in the front and Nessie and I in the back. “Well, I’m from Miami. I’ve lived there my whole life pretty much. My mother and half brothers died in a house fire, but I somehow survived. Ever since I’ve lived on the streets because the local orphanage didn’t have the funds to take care of me. But, then my social worker found me and told me about you and our dad. She took me to the mall and bought me practically everything before sending me on a plane here.

“That’s pretty much what happened this past week”, I say with a sigh. Nessie gives me a sympathetic look, “When did your family die?” I think for a moment and say, “A year ago, so I was sixteen when it happened.” The rest of the car ride is silent, yet peaceful and I spent the time watching the forest and gray skies pass by out the window. Eventually, we pull up to a large house, hidden in the woods, which causes me to smile. The forest has always been my second home and it always puts me in a small trance so I can take in the mysterious beauty. “Well, this is our home. Come, we’re going to introduce you to everyone”, Edward says to me and I nod before following them into the house. “Hello, Bella, Nessie, and Edward. Oh, you must be Anastasia”, greets a kind woman with long, dark hair and gold eyes.

“Yes, that’s me. And you are?” I ask. She smiles at me, “Forgive me. I’m Esme Cullen and this is my husband, Carlisle.” I smile at the couple and follow everyone into the living room to see two guys and two girls. A pixie-like woman approaches me as she says, “Hey! I’m Alice and this is my husband Jasper.” A man behind her nods at me with a soft smile, Jasper I assume. Alice nods at the others, “This is Rosalie and her husband, Emmet.” The woman with blonde hair stood in front of a man with short, dark hair, his arms wrapped around her. “Hey, I’m Anastasia, but everyone calls me Anna”, I wave at everyone, yep all vampires. “Anna, if you don’t mind me asking, what brought you to Forks?” Carlisle asks me and we all sit on couches and chairs of the living room. “Well, I came because my social worker found out I had a dad and a half sister. Since I’m not eighteen, I had no choice but to come. Now that I think about it, this place seems to be way better then Miami. I love the forest and would much rather live here then any city.”

Emmet chuckles, “You’re different then most teenage girls, Anna. I like that.” I smile at him, “Well, I’m not most teenage girls. To be honest, people say I’m more mature then any teenager. I guess it’s because of living out in the streets for so long, that I’ve seen things most girls shouldn’t be seeing in the city at night.” Alice claps her hands, “Anna, you’re going to be my new shopping buddy, since no one seems to appreciate clothes as much as I do.” Everyone laughs and Emmet looks at me, “Run, Anna while you still have the chance!” I roll my eyes and grin at Alice, “If you like to shop, Alice, then we’re going to be great friends. I may not like shopping as much as you do, hun, but it is something I enjoy doing.” Alice squeals, “Oh we have to go after school one day!”

“Anna, would you like something to eat or drink?” Esme asks me kindly. I glance out the large window to see the sun starting to set. This is the time I usually go hunting. I eat human food, but mostly, I go hunting. It’s more fun and human food is not as appetizing; unless it’s sweets or something that I loved before I first shifted. I turn to Esme, “No thank you. I’ll eat later.” Esme shakes her head, “I insist. What would you like?” I give her a smile, “I can’t. Besides I have to be home before dark. Charlie said so. Thank you for your kindness though.” Esme looks slightly confused, “Alright. Well, Edward, are you going to take her home?” Bella smiles, “We both will. Nessie can stay here.” I say goodbye to everyone before following Edward and Bella out the door and into their car.

The Golden Beast (Twilight Fanfiction) GxGDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora