Chapter 5

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        I woke up to the sun rising and the birds chirping. Slowly, I pull myself out of bed and dragged myself into the shower. The warm water cascaded down my back on my smooth skin. With a content sigh, I thought about Leah, my soulmate. I missed her arms around me and her presence in general. Pushing the thought of Leah out of my mind, I finish my shower before drying myself and getting dressed. I flat ironed my hair and brushed my teeth before grabbing my bag, shoving my journal, a few pencils, and my school books into it quickly. Then, I walk down the stairs to see Charlie sitting at the table, eating toast and sipping coffee while reading the newspaper. “Oh, good morning, Anna. Sleep well?” Charlie asks, looking at me with a warm smile. I grin, “Yeah. Good morning. I’ll be off to school.” He nods at me, “See you later, Anna.

        The thick scent of humans filled the air and I scrunched my nose a little as I walk into the school building. “Anna!” I glance over my shoulder to see Jason running up to me and I roll my eyes. “Look, I wanted to apologize for yesterday,” he says nervously. I sigh, “Thank you, Jason. Let’s get to class.” He nods and follows me to the biology classroom. When we walk in, I see Rosalie sitting in the back and I half smile before going to sit next to her. “Hey, Rose,” I greet and she nods at me. “That’s cool. You know, what you do,” she whispers lowly. I smile, “Thank you. I love shifting. It’s important to me.” She nods at me and asks, “Anyway, would you like to sit with us at lunch?” I shrug, “If that’s okay with you guys, then I’ll be happy to.” Rosalie smiles, “I’m sure they’ll be fine.” Class ended after taking a bunch of notes.

    “What class do you have next?” Rosalie asks as we walk out of the classroom. “English. You?” I ask. “Math.” I nod and we go our separate ways. English was pretty uneventful as we were studying Shakespeare. I had my French class next and my teacher asked me to help people again, which I didn’t mind doing. In my Math class, I doodled in my notebook, absolutely bored. My mind wandered to Leah and I sighed softly. I miss my mate. A sudden mental tugging pulled me out of my thoughts. Confused, I look around slowly, scanning the room and my senses heightening. My ears listened around the school building and property. I then picked up the faintest sound of a whine. I discretely look out the window to see a familiar silvery wolf in the forest shadows. Leah. She came for me. I blush and raise my hand, “Madame, est-que je peux aller aux toilettes?” (may I go to the bathroom?) She nods, giving me a smile as I walk out of the room with my bag.

    I find my way out of the school and into the forest. “Leah?” I whispered, knowing she’d hear me. I look to the right at the sound of pawsteps to see my silvery wolf. “What are you doing here? Not that I didn’t miss you, but you can get caught,” I say to the wolf, who whined in response as she lay her head in my lap. I stroke the soft, velvety fur and we sit in silence for a little while. “Leah, sweetheart, I have to go now. I’m not one to skip class and I already skipped math,” I say softly. Leah picked her head up, looking at me with her warm brown eyes. I look at her curiously and use my mind to gently push into hers. “Leah, it’s me,” I think. Leah looks at me in surprise, “I missed you so much, Anna.” I kissed her nose, “I missed you so much too, Leah.” Leah licks my cheek softly and I smile, hugging her before standing up. “I have to go,” I say. Leah nods and I slowly walk away, entering the school.

“Hey, Anna. How’s your day been so far?” Nessie asks, biting her apple as I approached the lunch table. I smile, “Alright, but I hate being so far from Leah.” Alice gives me a sympathetic smile, “You can see her after school if you want. Go meet her later.” I look at them uncertainly, “Are you sure I can? I mean we were going to talk more later, weren’t we?” Emmet grins, “We can talk some other time. It’s no big deal, Anna.” I glance at the others. Edward and Jasper gave me nods of acknowledgement while Rosalie gave me a thumbs up. We’re going to get along just fine. The Cullens were slowly becoming my second family and I’m not sure how I feel about that. I feel refreshed that someone is willing to look out for me. I couldn’t thank them enough for protecting me and not handing me over to the Volturi. I have yet to repay them for everything they’ve done for me.


        School finally finished and I got into my car and immediately drove off to La Push. I could feel the mental tug pulling me to the one I wanted to see the most. Once the beach came in view, I quickly parked in the lot before jumping out, rushing onto the beach. “Leah,” I whispered in my mind, reaching for hers. A soft crack from behind me caught my attention and I turn to see baby turtles hatching. Nature is amazing. One looked at me and I smiled, reaching my hand out as I slowly approached me before sniffing my hand, nipping at my fingers. “Hello, little one. What’s your name?” I ask softly. He climbed into my hand and I picked him up as he answered, “I’m Skippy. What’s your name?” I chuckle, “Anastasia, but you can call me Anna.” He squealed cutely and I laugh. “Let’s get you into the water so you can go with your brothers and sisters, okay?” I tell him. He nodded and I carry him to the water, setting him down. Skippy squealed again at me before going into the water, following his many brothers and sisters.

    “That was the cutest thing.” I gasp, turning around to see the most beautiful person. I squeal, running over to Leah, flinging my arms around her happily. Butterflies erupted in my stomach as she picked me up and spun us around as we laughed. She set me down and I grin up at her as she’s a bit taller than me, slipping my hand into her warm one, lacing our fingers together. Leah kisses my forehead softly before asking, “So, what do you want to do, babe?” AHHHH SHE CALLED ME BABE!!!! “Can we go for a run in the forest?” I ask shyly, looking at her behind my hair. Her free hand tucks my hair behind my ear before cupping my cheek, tilting my chin up to meet my eyes with her stunning dark brown eyes. “Of course, beautiful. Whatever you want,” She whispers. I blush when she called me beautiful. I glanced down at her lips for a moment before locking eyes with her again. Leah caressed my cheek with her thumb as she slowly leaned in until our lips were inches apart. Her warm breath tickled my face, sending shivers up and down my spine and my heart raced. I closed the distance between us until our lips were barely touching. Then Leah finished by having her lips fully on mine, moving in sync with my own.


I'm sorry for not updating lately, but I'll try to do better since I am procrastinator. So, I've been thinking about having a few more characters in the story. So, if you're interested in creating a character, please inbox me the following:



Relation to Anna (ex. best friend):

Background story (can be brief):

Race (ex. vampire):

Human features:

If a shifter, what you animal looks like:


Special power:

Mate (optional):

So I'll be picking four entries I like to be in the story. Entries due by 9/20. If I don't have enough entries, I'll extend the date.

Thank you for being patient.


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