Year 1: Chapter 1

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It was a normal night in the Pierce household, well, normal in their opinion. So basically there were a few explosions here and there. Maybe one or two around dinner. I bet you're wondering what might be causing these explosions. It was the only child of that household, Nora, that was creating all the problems.

She had been preforming accidental magic for a few months by now and all that was coming out of it was sparks and fire. Her family had to move several times after muggles in the area became suspicious of all the smoke coming from the house, but as a fire-truck rolls up the family always claims there was no fire.

It was a month away from September, which is when school starts for Nora, and the family was still not getting any fire relief.

"Maybe it'll die down once she gets to Hogwarts. When she can use real magic and learn how to control the fire." Harold Pierce suggested to his wife when Nora had her light brown hair fixed into a small French braid, her small deep blue eyes closed, and had been safely tucked in bed upstairs in their tiny cottage home.

"Let's just hope so Harold. We can't afford to leave this place. Its the only place close enough to Diagon Alley." Harold's wife, Anna, expressed.

The couple had been worried about Nora's life at Hogwarts ever since she started catching things on fire. They were worried she might not be able to make friends because they would be afraid of the fire. Or maybe she might set a teacher on fire by accident.

Little did they know, little Nora was wide awake in her bed with her eyes wide open thinking almost the exact same thing. Except she was thinking a little differently. What if she couldn't get good grades because she blew up everything she touched? What if everyone thought she was weird? These thoughts put her to bed as the night drifted on. Nora's dreams that night were definitely not sweet.
Nora's POV: First Person (The third person at the beginning was just temporary. It will be first person from now on)

When I woke the next morning I was still a bit shaky from my dreams, but I couldn't help feeling excited. I was going to Diagon Alley today! I jumped out of bed and pulled the french braid, from the night before, out, letting my naturally curly hair run wild. I ran a brush through my long locks of hair until it was tamed. Then I pulled on a spaghetti strapped yellow sundress with black flats and headed down the stairs to greet my parents.

I sat down at the redwood table sitting in the middle of our dining room, which had our tiny kitchen attached to it, and waited for Mum to finish cooking breakfast. I watched Papa read his newspaper as I waited. A scowl appeared on his face.

"What's happened now Papa?" I asked him curiously. Papa glanced over at me and gave me a smile.

"Nothing sweetheart. Just some bullies thinking my article on Cornish Pixies is a joke. Don't worry about it." He replied sweetly but sharply at the same time. I could tell he was irritated so I didn't push.

My concerned frown was replaced with a great big giant smile when Mum placed a plate of pancakes, eggs, and bacon in front of me. I gasped in delight.

"Whats this for?" I asked with joy. Mum gave me a smile and a kiss on the head before replying.

"Well, its not everyday we get to go shopping for your first year at Hogwarts!" She replied excitedly. I had already remembered that we were going today so it wasn't as much of a surprise but I was still happy about the food. I guess I got a little too excited because the next thing I knew, we were pulling out a fire extinguisher. I had lit Papa's newspaper on fire.

Smoke and Fire {Seamus Finnegan}Where stories live. Discover now