Year 1: Chapter 12

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After that night, sometimes I would space out again randomly. I doubt anyone noticed, but it was still freaky.

With the exams getting closer I had devoted most of my time to trying to study and writing my parents. Mostly my Mum. Papa never writes anymore.

I still find it weird that in less than a month I will have a little brother.

I picked up my Herbology book and began reading again. I was almost finished with the entire thing. I cannot fail the exams. That would be horrible.

I turned my head automatically towards the door of the library when I heard it creak quietly open. I smiled when I saw the face of my best friend.

He came and sat next to me when he saw me.

"Studying again Nora?" Seamus asked with a chuckle.

"Yeah, I really don't want to fail," I replied with a nod.

"So, Dean and I were wondering if you maybe wanted to come play a round of that game charades? You seemed to like it last time we played." Seamus suggested.

I felt bad. I had been keeping to myself for a while to study. I still talked to my friends but it wasn't the same as before. I was always reading nowadays.

"I'm sorry Seamus, but I can't. Hermione was supposed to meet me here soon. Maybe another time?" I apologized.

He looked down at his feet with a frown.

"Yeah, maybe." He mumbled. Without another word, he walked out of the room.

"Bye..." I whispered mostly to myself.

Suddenly, a huge pile of books was slammed onto the table beside me.

I looked up in surprise to see the bushy-haired genius standing above me.

"Ready to get started?" She asked excitedly. I nodded glumly. I wish Seamus hadn't talked to me at all. All that conversation gave me was a guilty conscience.


The whole time Hermione and I studied all I could think about was the conversation I had with Seamus.

I wonder what he's doing now? Is he playing charades with the boys without me?

I shook those thoughts out of my head. I had to focus.

"Exams. Think about the exams." I whispered while picking up a book and quickly flipping through the pages.

"People are going to think you're crazy if you start talking to yourself like that you know." A voice spoke.

I groaned as another distraction kept me from studying.

"What do you want?" I muttered. I turned to see who it was. My eyes widened as I saw the one and only Harry Potter standing in front of me.

"If you want me to leave I will." He replied uneasily. I shook my head.

"Sorry. No, it's fine. As long as you don't distract me from my work." I stated quickly.

He nodded and after a few seconds of sitting down next to me, he laughed quietly.

I tried to hold in my groan of annoyance as I looked over at him.

"What?" I asked kind of sternly.

"What? Oh, nothing. You just remind me of Hermione when you study." He replied with more laughter.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2018 ⏰

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