Year 1: Chapter 10

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  By the time it was time to go back to school, Seamus was sure he never wanted to leave my house. I nearly had to drag him down the stairs.

He eventually realised that he wasn't going to win the fight and he gave in. He looked sad as he got into the car. I looked at him in confusion.

"What's wrong Seamus? You do realise that I came with you right?" I joked. Seamus gave a halfhearted smile. My heart immediately sank. He obviously didn't have a good time, and that's why he's upset.

"Did you not have fun?" I asked sadly, all of the joking out of my system. Seamus looked at me wide-eyed when he heard my tone of voice.

"No no no! I had so much fun Nora! I just, well, I didn't want it to end you know. I had the best Christmas I've had in a while. I never wanted it to stop." Seamus explained.  A weight was lifted off my chest as I realised that he did actually have fun, but it sank once again when I heard that he was still sad.

I set my hand on his shoulder, causing him to look at me.

"When you think about it, it never really does end. We get to go to Hogwarts and have loads more fun with them. Then, during the Summer, you can just hang out again. It'll never have to end." I reassured. He looked calmed by this, but it seemed he was still sad because of the fact that the summer was over.

He gave me a smile.

"I guess that's true. I didn't think about it that way, but I still wish that it never had to end. Your house is full of surprises, and the twins, well, they were actually pretty cool." Seamus explained. I nodded, fully understanding as I had been living in that house for more time than I've ever lived in another house.

"Why don't you sleep to get this off of your mind. Trust me, it helps." I suggested to try to get him to feel better. He seemed to take my suggestion into consideration as he pulled a blanket out of his carry on bag. 

It seemed to help because he fell right asleep. I smiled to myself, knowing that he was going to feel much better when he woke up and we were at the train station.

I let out a yawn and looked out the window.

"Nora. Take your own advice and go to sleep. I will not have obnoxious yawning in the car while I'm driving. It's distracting." My father spoke timidly from the front seat. I rolled my eyes, but followed his direction. I was really tired.

I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths before I fell into a soft, deep sleep. I felt a slight warmth on me before I completely fell asleep. I didn't pay much mind to it as I was almost asleep. I smiled subconsciously in my sleep as I sank further and further into the sleep.


A soft touch awoke me from my sleep. I groaned and pried my eyes open. I saw Seamus staring excitedly down at me. I gave him a smile.

"Come on Nora, we're here!" he exclaimed happily. I threw the blanket that had been put on me in my sleep off of me and stared at it. I recognised it as the one that Seamus had been sleeping with before I fell asleep. I gave him a questioning glance.

"You looked cold." he said simply and shrugged. I pushed the situation out of my brain and gave him the blanket. He took it and shoved it back into his bag.

"Come on guys, don't lag behind. I'm pregnant and I'm faster than you two." My mum joked. I laughed and ran to catch up with her, leaving Seamus to run after me. All of our things had already been transported to the castle along with the letters and gifts from out friends for Christmas.

Smoke and Fire {Seamus Finnegan}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora