Year 1: Chapter 7

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My eyes snapped open in surprise. I was soaking wet. How the heck did someone manage to pour water on me in my sleep? I looked around to see that I was on the couch in the common room. Why did I let myself fall asleep in here.

I heard two identical laughs from a corner in the room. I looked in that direction to see two identical red heads staring back at me. Their eyes were crinkled with laughter. They walked over to me with wide smiles on their face, their dimples shining brightly.

"Bloody hel-" I was cut off by a hand being quickly slapped onto my mouth. I quickly licked it and pushed away. My hair was dripping all over the carpeted floor, but I didn't care. I just wanted to get revenge on the twins.

"This is Gryffindor house and we to not use that sort of language here Mrs. Pierce." Fred joked, trying to sound like Professor McGonagall. I laughed a bit through my fury.

"What did you think you were doing? What was going through your minds when you decided, hey, let's go pour water on poor innocent Nora?" I ranted trying to sound mad, but I really couldn't be. The whole situation was starting to get ridiculous, which made it funny.

The boys both shrugged simultaneously.

"Well, could you at least dry me off? I'm cold!" I whined while laughing. I really was cold. It was a hot day inside the Gryffindor common room so all of the windows were open. That let the cool air in. Plus I was wet.

Fred looked to George and said, "You know George, I reckon we leave her like this." George smiled mischievously.

"Well Fred, I reckon that's a good idea." George agreed, and before I could get to them they were off running through the portrait hole.

I was about to chase after them when I heard a small explosion that nearly knocked my socks off. I guess Seamus is in the room.

I walked to where I heard the explosion and saw Seamus and Dean with a face full of soot and a smoking object in front of Seamus.

A laugh left my mouth.

"Well then. I'm guessing that you blew something up again?" I asked, already knowing the answer. Seamus nodded before he burst into laughter along with my small giggles.

"I'm going to go find Neville. Maybe you two should go clean up and find us later." I suggested.

"You should probably dry off first." Seamus commented, eyeing my wet clothes.  I looked down at myself.

"Oh yeah. Well I'll just air dry." I explained. The boys nodded, still laughing.

They ran off to the bathroom while I walked out of the common room in search of Neville.

I began to wonder around aimlessly, hoping that I'd run into him, but I didn't have to wonder long because I soon ran straight into him. I looked up at him, face flushed with embarrassment.

"Oh, s-sorry Neville." I stuttered. Wow, there is nothing more embarrassing than that. Neville smiled down at me. Man, I must be short!

"It's okay Nora. No harm done. Except now I'm a little wet." Neville spoke quietly. I nodded in agreement and dragged Neville in the direction of the Great Hall.

"What are you doing Nora?" Neville asked with an amused smile. I laughed.

"Taking you to the food!" I exclaimed causing a few passing people to stare at me weirdly.

Neville laughed and shrugged it off. This was probably normal for him around me.

Neville's face broke out into another smile when he we sat down and a package landed in front of him. He turned to me with a wide grin.

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