Year 1: Chapter 2

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A/N Authors note real quick! This book will have all the years in one so it'll probably be long. I trust that I'll have your support. Because it might be over 200 chapters but each of those chapters with be filled with this interesting story!!! Keep reading. It gets better!

Time skip: 1 month

Let's just say I woke up with quite the crick in my neck the morning I woke up in the armchair a month ago. But luckily I don't have a crick in my neck today because I'm going to Hogwarts today!

I picked up the gigantic trunk my mum forced me to fill to the brim, and picked up Quicy's cage.

Quicy is the name I had finally decided on for my owl. It fit him quite perfectly in my opinion.

When Papa saw me struggle with my trunk he grabbed it and towed it down the stairs while I carried Quincy. Papa loaded all my luggage into the trunk of the car along with a cart to push everything in.

Mum came running out the door with a camera. She pulled out her wand and made it levitate in front of us so we could take a family photo before I go to Hogwarts. We all smiled and even Quincy chirped as the flash went off.

The camera printed off two pictures. One for me and one for them. I gave mum a great big hug, and I was prepared to give Papa the one sided hug I usually give but he surprised me. He picked me up and held me against him tightly as if he was afraid to let go.

"Papa! I'll be fine! Just put me down so I can go to Hogwarts." I exclaimed while laughing. Mum snapped a quick picture of us since Papa is never this loving.

"Alright, I'll put you down but only if you promise to write at least every week." He murmured into my ear.

"I promise Papa." I whispered into his ear. He gave me one small kiss on my forehead and set me back down on the ground. Mum had tears in her eyes by the end of the moment.

I glanced up at Papa to see that he also had tears brimming at the edges of his eyes.

I opened the car door and sank into the leather seat. Mum and Papa both got in the front seat with Papa driving. Papa turned the key and started the engine. The soft purr of the engine and the vibrations going through the car quickly put me to sleep as we drove off towards the King's Cross Station.

Time Skip: 2 hours

I woke up to bright sunlight beating into my eyes. It took me a moment to adjust to the bright light, but when I did I could see the King's Cross Station standing there in all its glory. A goofy smile spread across my face. We were finally there!

I threw open the door and jumped out, surprising my parents.

"Oh honey! Don't scare us like that!" My mum exclaimed. I laughed.

"Sorry mum." I replied sarcastically. Papa sent me a playful warning look, which made me giggle. He grabbed my trunk and set it in the cart, placing Quincy in it shortly after.

Mum held out her hand for me to take as we walked inside the station. I grabbed her hand and walked with her while Papa pushed my cart.

Once we entered the station I realized how busy it actually was. To combine regular muggle traffic and all the families sending their kids off to Hogwarts makes a catastrophic traffic problem.

Papa carefully maneuvered the cart around, careful not to hit any kids. I'd never seen so many people in one place at one time. This is probably how Hogwarts is.

We approached the wall that had a nine on one side and a ten on the other. I watched as a few red heads and one black haired kid ran through the wall. Okay, this should be easy.

Smoke and Fire {Seamus Finnegan}Where stories live. Discover now