Year 1: Chapter 11

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"Are you sure you know how to play this game Nora? It's been ten minutes and none of us have a clue what you're supposed to be." Dean complained.

I laughed and continued simply wiggling my arms around in the air.

"Well I give up. What about you Seamus?" Dean asked.

We all looked over at Seamus who was sprawled out on the seat looking tired. He glanced up at us.

"I gave up before we even started." he admitted. We all laughed, then looked at Neville.

"Don't look at me, you just look like seaweed flopping around to me." he mumbled.

I gasped and smiled really wide. Everyone looked at him in surprise.

"Neville, did you just guess it right?" Dean asked in surprise.

"Good job Neville!" I exclaimed. I turned to the others.

"The moral of this lesson is, Neville is smarter than you guys." I joked.


After many hours we finally made it to the Hogsmeade train station.

I was jumping up and down in the hallway of the train in excitement.

"Finally! We're back!" I squealed.

The boys laughed at my excitement.

I ran down the stairs to get off the train with the boys following close behind.

Suddenly, on the last step, I tripped and flew to the ground. I was saved by a figure walking by, by smacking into him and knocking us both down.

I quickly pushed myself off the ground and looked up at the person I fell onto. I blushed hard when I saw a tall boy with short brown hair picking himself off the ground.

"Uhhh, sorry! That was my fault!" I stammered. The boy just smiled and laughed.

"It's alright. I'm used to getting knocked over by things. I'm Oliver Wood. I'm the Gryffindor keeper." He introduced. I smiled and shook his hand.

"Hey Oliver! I see you've met Nora now." Dean called out from behind me. Oliver smiled and greeted him back.

I looked out at the castle that was just past Hogsmeade which we still needed to get through. I missed the place, but I definitely loved the break from work.

"It was nice meeting you Nora. We best be off. Everyone is leaving. I'll see you guys later." Oliver spoke in a Scottish accept that I immediately adored.

I nodded and pulled my friends along to a carriage. We piled in together, but Oliver went with his friends in his own year.

"Are you guys excited to be back?" Dean asked. I nodded vigorously. Seamus nodded, and Neville just kind of shrugged.

"I hope I do better this semester. My gran seemed disappointed at my work so I want to do better this time." Neville explained. I patted his back comfortingly.

"You'll do fine Neville. The more you practice the better you'll do." I reassured.

I'm just glad I stopped catching things on fire. I hadn't been doing that recently, and that made me excited. I didn't have a chance of blowing up my house anymore.

We made small talk all the way to the castle. Apparently, Dean had a very interesting Christmas. His whole family came over and they had a huge party. His great uncle Barth got extremely drunk on fire whisky and was trying to breakdance in the middle of the dance floor saying that it was something he heard muggles do.

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