Chapter 3: Meet The Arrows

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         Mute City was buzzing with activity as always. Businesses buzzed and the highways were zooming with machines of all sorts. Ace Winters took the driving lane, he was cruising around Mute City, looking for a way to spend his day off. He thought about racing. Maybe there was a grand prix being held at Mute City somewhere. He really loved the Mute City I track. Ace accessed his data records on his machine. Yes! There was a Grand Prix at Mute City I! He wasted no time to register for it. The moment after he done that there was a huge whoosh by him. The Green Amazone swerved as a Black F-Zero machine with blue lightning shot by. "HEY!" Ace hollered. He was a federation officer and that guy was breaking the speed limits in the driving lane! I guess he would have to postpone getting to the race. Next, two red machines sped after the black one.

    That did it, Ace gave chase. The first red machine was called the King Meteor. The pilot in its cockpit was Super Arrow. Super Arrow was an F-Zero pilot and the universes superhero. "We've got to catch Zoda!" he said to the other machine. The other machine was the Queen Meteor, in its cockpit was Mrs. Arrow. The wife of Super Arrow. The Arrows appeared to be chasing down their own their old enemy Zoda. "TOO LATE ARROWS!" Zoda screeched. Zoda had a strange distorted voice. "Let's do this!" Mrs. Arrow told her husband. Their machines boosted together and the King Meteor caught up to Zoda. Super Arrow made an amazing decision next. He launched his owl, who blinded Zoda's sight. "AAH!" Zoda hollered. Zoda's machine, the Death Anchor, now swerved and spun out. "Yes!" Super Arrow cheered. Zoda wasn't going to go down that easy though. He pressed a red button on his console. Before the Arrows could react, a ship appeared over the villain. It beamed Zoda away from harm and took off.

      "RATS!" Super Arrow said as both of their machines slowed to a stop. "we almost had him! We'll get him next time!" The Green Amazone finally caught up to the chaos. Ace Winters stepped out to see the superheroes. "Excuse me," Ace said approaching them. "THAT WAS AWESOME!" Super Arrow beamed, "Thank You! I'm Super Arrow, the defender of peace and justice! This is my beautiful wife Mrs. Arrow!" Ace shook both of their hands eagerly. "Nice to meet you," Mrs. Arrow smiled. "Mister-""I'm Ace Winters," Ace said. "I'm a commander in the Space Federation." "It's a pleasure!" Super Arrow said. "You drive really well!" "Who was that?" Ace asked the Arrows. "Zoda," Super Arrow answered. "My Archenemy!" "We've been chasing him for weeks," Mrs. Arrow spoke. "He just stole a valuable power source for one of his creations." Ace did some quick thinking and figured this was a serious matter. Maybe the federation could help the Arrows. "Maybe I can help you two," Ace offered. "I'm heading to a race downtown, but after the race. If you come back to the federation HQ with me, I think we can help you two in your battle with Zoda." "That's actually a great idea," Mrs. Arrow replied.


     Ace Winters did head to the race. He didn't win, he managed to get third place. That was good enough. The Arrows now followed him to the federation HQ. They arranged a meeting with several members, there they were sitting at the table. There at the table was Captain Falcon, Jody Summer, Ace Winters, John Tanaka, Lily Flyer and the Arrows. Ace Winters had invited Captain Falcon there. "Zoda?" Jody Summer said. "He's actually one of the criminals we've been trying to take in, number three on our list. Ace had looked at the list himself several times. Michael Chain was number four on the list, but Ace already took care of him. The number one person was someone named Black Shadow. "Zoda loves to make terrible weapons," Super Arrow said. "It's something he loves to do on his path to world domination." "If I may," Ace raised his hand to interrupt. Jody Summer acknowledged it by nodding in his direction. This gave him permission to speak. "We may want to run down leads," Ace said. "That way we can find this guy and catch him before he harms anyone else." "Good suggestion Ace," Captain Falcon complimented him. "Zoda always foes for planets with advanced technology. I know because I tried to capture him for his bounty one time." "So all we have to do is find the places with advanced tech?" Lily asked. "Yes," Jody Summer said. "Ace, look up planets with technologically advanced societies. Her partner obeyed and used a holo-computer. "He's already attacked the major places," Ace told everyone. "Port Town, Aeropolis, Mute City, good save Arrows," he complimented them. Super Arrow smiled big.

     "But there is one PLANET he hasn't bothered to touch yet," the young pilot went on. "Magica." "Of Course!" Super Arrow exclaimed. "That planet is highly advanced in science!" "They are about four thousand years ahead of us in advanced tech," Mrs. Arrow pointed out. "If Zoda gets his hands on that tech, it could spell catastrophe." "Okay, here's the plan," Jody Summer addressed everyone. "I'm going to make a phone call to the King of Magica. We'll get his permission to meet him in his palace and address the situation. Anyone who wants to join speak now." "I'm in," Ace shout his arm in the air. "We're joining!" Super Arrow spoke for him and Mrs. Arrow. "I'm always in," Captain Falcon said and smiled at Jody Summer. Jody smiled back. "I WANNA GO! I WANNA GO!" John Tanaka hollered. But as he hollered he glared at Captain Falcon. "No," Jody said plainly at Tanaka. "It's okay," Captain Falcon told her. "Let him come."


    After the meeting, Ace Winters met up with Lily Flyer. Lily had chosen not to go with, and Ace wondered why. "Lily!" He called out to her as she was walking down the hallway. Lily stopped and turned. "Why aren't you going to Magica?" Ace asked her. "There's no need to," Lily responded. "I have to train." "C'mon Lily," Ace begged. "You Train ALL the time. Just give it a break for once." "Ace training is important to me," She said. "Just like racing is important to you. You don't need me for this adventure. We had a blast last time, now I just want to sit this one out." Lily turned around and walked away. Ace was so disappointed. All Lily did was train, just train. She was his best friend, but they did not share the same interests. He just wished she could understand him once.


     Everyone who was going to Magica met in the federation garage. Jody Summer had already contacted the King of Magica to inform him of their visit. There they would ask him about Zoda. John Tanaka was the one taking the longest. He run back and forth gathering stuff. The Wonder Wasp was now stuffed with Snacks, Coloring Books, Suitcases and what looked like to be a giant Rubber Ducky. Ace Winters and Captain Falcon watched him run back forth. Finally, Tanaka stopped running. He was all out of breath. His machine was now filled with so much stuff that there was no seat visible. Jody now entered the garage. She was holding a holo-clipboard. "Ok, Remember everyone," she addressed them. "Magica is a vast desert, but very secretive. So obey all their rules and customs. Lead the way Falcon." "Roger," Captain Falcon replied. "Why can't I lead?" Tanaka asked Jody. "Do you know the way?" Jody Summer asked him. "Uuuuhhh," John Tanaka said. "I NEVER SAID I WANTED TO!" Ace rolled his eyes. Falcon revved the Blue Falcon, he was ready to lead. Soon all the pilots sped out of the garage and into the city. They were heading for Magica.

    Only one person was left behind. "Hey! Wait for me!" an alarmed John Tanaka shouted. He struggled to hop in his cockpit. He was not fitting. After popping some pool doughnuts, he hopped in and gave chase. They were on their on their way to Magica.

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