Chapter 5: Princia and Spade Winters

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     When Ace came to his senses, he was in a darkened room. He was restrained by metal cuffs on his arms and legs on what looked like to be a medical table. Ace strained to get free, pulling and grunting. He wasn't strong enough, still, he kept trying. "Please! Don't hurt yourself!" A voice cried from his left. The young pilot turned to his left. There was a girl restrained too. She looked to be around his age. She had a slender hourglass body, with bright eyes. Her hair was brown and she wore a red racing suit. "Who are you?" Ace asked her. "I'm Princia," the girl replied. "Princia Ramode." "Where are we?" Ace Winters asked her. He was trying to figure out why there were captured and by who. Before the girl could speak, the door in front of them burst open. None of them saw this coming. A large purple man leaped into the room, of course it was no one else than Zoda.

     "Ho Ho!" He laughed. "I've captured the Galactic Space Federation's pet!" "I am not a pet!" Ace yelled at the villain. It was bad enough being locked in this place, he didn't want this guy to make things worse. But, the young man had a feeling he might. "Let us go!" Princia chimed in. "Or-" "Or what Princess?" Zoda asked. Wait, Princess, Ace thought. After brief thinking it hit him, she was the Princess of Magica! "Your majesty!" Ace said. "Please, I don't deserve that kind of respect!" Princia responded. "She's right, she doesn't!" Zoda told Ace. Ace now saw that Zoda had moved to a machine. He tapped a few buttons on the console and a needle popped out of it. After examining the needle, Zoda moved over to his captives. Without any warning, Zoda drove the needle into Ace Winters arm. "AAH!" Ace screamed. "What are you doing?" "Getting my super-soldier serum!" Zoda cackled. "The federation has always been my biggest obstacle. You cannot attack them from the outside, so why not the inside? You'd need someone with knowledge of the federation."

    Zoda had now taken Ace's blood and placed the needle in his machine. The machine whirred and hummed to life as it worked. Zoda's eyes went wide with delight. While Ace and Princia were frightened for what was to come. Zoda continued laughing. "Thank you for complying Ace Winters!" He shrieked. The machine now zapped and created what looked to be a silhouette. It was the shadow of a body. When the machine finished its work, Ace's eyes went wide in alarm. Princia was also in shock. The machine had created a person. But this person looked like Ace himself! The difference was his costume was purple instead of green. "Ace Winters!" Zoda said. "Meet Spade Winters!" "Spade" Winters now lifted up his head and looked around the dark room. He had a devilish grin and sharp teeth.

    Spade turned to Zoda. "Hello Master!" he smiled. Spade had a much deeper voice than Ace, it sounded somewhat mechanical. "YOU MONSTERS!" Princia hollered. "Oh shut up!" Zoda yelled back at her. "He is my perfect creation. Way more superior than that Mr. EAD hulk. He will take your place Ace Winters, invade the Galactic Space Federation and bring their doom! Then I will take over the earth!" Spade Winters now leaped off the table he was on. "Every body knows I'm the real Winters!" He said to Ace. This was too much for Ace Winters. He had just been captured and now this maniac had created a clone of him to replace him! He had to stop them and get out of here. But how? He was chained down, and he did not see the Green Amazone anywhere. His thoughts were interrupted when a huge CRASH came through the ceiling. It was Super Arrow! "Unhand those kids Zoda!" the hero proclaimed. "Super Arrow!" Zoda shrieked. "Never! You'll have to fight me to get to them!" "I'm not alone you know," Super Arrow smirked. "I brought backup." As soon as that sentence was finished. Captain Falcon burst through the doors. He had his laser rifle in his hands and was ready to fire it. "I can take care of them master!" Spade proclaimed. He charged straight for Captain Falcon. But Falcon simply did a minor Falcon-Punch and knocked the doppelganger out cold. Zoda watched as his minion collapsed on the ground. Out of clear desperation, Zoda charged at Super Arrow. The hero and the villain engaged in a fight. While they fought, Falcon rushed to Ace and Princia's side. He shot at the restraints to free them. "Thank you Captain!" Ace grinned. "Let's go!" Captain Falcon told the two teens as they ran out the room.

    Super Arrow and Zoda meanwhile were still at it. Super Arrow managed to get the upper hand and hit Zoda to the ground. Zoda looked up at his sworn enemy, his eyes were burning with anger. "What are you waiting for?" Zoda asked. "Arrest me!" "Not yet fiend!" Super Arrow exclaimed. "There is only one way to truly test our skills." Zoda immediately know what the hero was aiming for. "A Race?" He asked. Super Arrow nodded and crossed his arms. "There is an upcoming race at Sand Ocean!" He said. "I will compete, just make sure you show up!" "I will," Zoda swore. "And when I do, I'll crush you!" Now sensing that he got what he wanted, Super Arrow flew through the hole from where he emerged.


     Captain Falcon, Princia Ramode and Ace Winters had now exited the base in one piece. But there was one thing that was puzzling the two teens. They had no transport, how were they going to escape the planet? "There's no way off here!" Ace cried. "Captain, what do we do?!" "Hang tight!" Captain falcon replied. The bounty hunter pressed a button on his wrist comlink. The ground began to rumble and shake. The debris also began to move. The three of them looked to the sky and saw a giant ship above their heads. It had a giant falcon face on it, It was Captain Falcon's ship! "The Green Amazone is already on board!" Captain falcon shouted. The ship lowered two ropes down to the three of them. There were only two of them though! Ace did some quick thinking as grabbed one of them with his right hand. His other hand, he extended to Princia. "Come on!" He shouted. Princia Ramode ran to him, and he wrapped his arm around her. Captain Falcon had a grip on the other rope, and the ship began to reel the ropes back into it. When the ropes were fully reeled in, they found themselves in the cargo hold. "There it is!" Ace shouted excitedly. The Green Amazone sat to the side, still in perfect condition. "How did you find it?" Ace asked Falcon. "When I came back to Magica after my errand, Jody said you were missing. I found the Green Amazone in a service garage. So I picked it up." Captain Falcon was now greeted by a small robot on wheels. "I kept the ship hidden Captain!" It said. "Thank you Rob," Captain Falcon smiled. "Ace, Prinica, I'd like you to meet my robot Rob, he pilots my ship." "Wait everyone!" Princia Ramode shouted. "We forgot your other friend!" She was right, they forgot Super Arrow! But to their surprise, Super Arrow at that moment was running on the ground at tremendous speed after Captain Falcon's ship.

     The hero next paused for a moment, then leapt into the air and started flying. Captain Falcon hit the hangar door button in the cargo area. Super Arrow soared into the hold instantly. "Thank you!" He said partially out of breath. "What did you do with Zoda?" Falcon asked. "I challenged him, to a race," Super Arrow responded. "It's going to be at Sand Ocean. But I don't plan to race alone." "You want us to race with you?" Ace asked excitedly. "Exactly!" Super Arrow shouted. "The more the merrier!" "Race?" Princia wondered. "Have you heard of F-ZERO racing?" Ace asked her. The princess shook her head. "I've been cooped up in my palace for a while," she said. Ace simply activated a virtual screen in his palm. He showed her videos of F-ZERO racing. The more the girl watched. The more her eyes widened. "It's high-speed racing?" Princia asked excited. "Across the galaxy?" "Exactly!" Ace exclaimed. "I'm the galaxy's biggest F-ZERO fan." Princia Ramode turned to Captain Falcon. "Can we make a quick stop?" she asked. "I have to pick up some servants........" 

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