Chapter 6: The Spark Moon

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     Zoda was furious that Super Arrow and Captain Falcon got away so easily. He was even more furious that he was challenged to a race. He would do something about it. He would make sure that he won. He wasn't going down without a fight. "Bring him in!" Zoda shouted into his communicator. Zoda now face the lab doors preparing for who was to come. The doors burst open to reveal a sinister face, he was a creature that looked like a turtle. But he was not one. "Pico," Zoda addressed the creature. "I have a special assignment for you. I have been challenged to a race at Sand Ocean by my dreaded enemy Super Arrow. I must win this race and beat him down. I want you take out anyone you can after the race, I will pay you once the job is done." "Consider it done!" Pico said. He left the lab, leaving Zoda behind to scheme.


    Princia Ramode was in a Galactic Space Federation garage with the Arrows. She was eagerly instructing her sevants to make her new F-ZERO machine. The Arrows, on the other hand, had Professor Hollow fixing up theirs. "So who will be racing this time?" Professor Hollow asked the heroes. "Both of us," Mrs. Arrow spoke. Ace Winters had now entered the garage, he had a tray of sodas. Well, three were sodas. One was a strawberry shake for Princia. He first offered the soda's to the Arrows who took them. Super Arrow took his grape soda and gulped it down in four seconds flat. After blinking twice, Ace now went over to the princess and offered her her shake. "Thank you!" she smiled. "I used to make plenty of shakes when I was in the orphanage," Ace replied. "My servants cannot seem to get it totally right, even with all the technology of Magica." "Maybe I can help," Ace offered. "I have experience with machines." "Could you? That would be superb," Princia smiled. Ace layed down on a rollerboard and rolled under the machine. There were slots that needed to be put together, but besides that, his mind immediately visualized patterns on how to improve them. It took him fifteen minutes, but he did it. "I think I got it!" He hollered to the other servants. "You did?" Princia leaped in delight. Ace nodded and smiled. He next walked over to the side of the machine and stripped off a cover. It revealed the number #36. "You have your number," he said. "Now you can name it!" The girl smoothed her hand on the cockpit of the machine. She thought long and hard about the name.

    "I'll call it the Spark Moon," Princia said. "Because it reminds me of starry nights at Magica when the moon is in the sky." "Cool!" Ace said. Princia turned to the young mechanic and smiled. "Thank you for helping me make it," she said. "Oh it was nothing!" Ace blushed. "I'm just glad that there's someone who loves F-ZERO as much as I do." Princia walked forward to give a hug, but her boot accidentally slipped on the rollerboard which made her tackle Ace and Pin him to her machine. "Oh Sorry!" She apologized. "It's alright," Ace blushed. "I'll just-" Just as Ace finished that word, Lily Flyer had entered the garage. She caught sight of Ace and Princia and stopped cold. Ace turned to his right and his eyes widened in alarm. So did Princia's when she saw Lily. "LILY!" He exclaimed in alarm. Both Ace and Princia scrambled off each other as fast as they could. Ace and Princia wasted no time in dusting herself off. "Who is this?!" Lily demanded. She seemed a bit irritated. "Lily, this is Princia Ramode," Ace explained. "She's the princess of Magica." Princia walked over and extended a hand to Lily. "It's an honor to meet a friend of Ace's," she smiled. "Likewise," Lily shook her hand dryly. She next turned her attention to Ace. "Ace, I came to tell you that Jody is coming with a briefing." As soon as Lily finished that sentence, Jody Summer came into the garage.

     "Ok everyone," she said. "I see you're all preparing for the Sand Ocean race. That's good. We will all be in that race. Except for Princia." "WHHAAT!" Ace and Princia shouted at the same time. "I'm sorry your majesty, but we have to return you back to Magica. Your father is expecting your return," she apologized. "Jody, all she wants to do is race," Ace pleaded. "She can help us. Then she can go home." Ace and Princia looked at her eagerly. Jody sighed, it was clear she had to make a decision. "Alright," she said. "But after this race we have to take her home." "Great!" Ace said. He turned to the Princess. "I was think we'd train at Green Plant, but there's something I want show you." Ace took Princia's hand and they raced out the garage, before they left, Princia managed to wave and say "bye".

     Jody waved and smiled. But then she noticed Lily Flyer glaring. Jody laughed, because she knew the situation all too well. "What is it?" Lily asked. "Oh, it's just the way you look when Ace is hanging out with his new pretty princess friend," Jody explained. "You don't have to be jealous, Ace is just doing his job. He still likes you." "What? Me?" Lily exclaimed. "Please I am not jeal-" Lily Flyer stopped when she caught the face Jody Summer was giving her. By then it was too obvious.


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