Chapter 11: Ace Winters VS Spade Winters

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   Ace sped into Fire Field. At first, the young man thought he would have to search the whole planet for Zoda. But no, there he was, at the most obvious spot. He was on the first track in Fire Field, the first one built. Spade Winters was at his side. It looked like the two were expecting him. "Ho ho ho ho!" Zoda did his strange laugh. "I figured you'd come first Ace Winters!" "Yeah, and it'll be your funeral," Ace snapped at him. "I know about Pico, and how you paid him to kill Jody Summer." "Correct!" Zoda said. "Except he wasn't supposed to kill Ms. Summer. I paid him to kill Super Arrow." "It was my fault, that's on me," Spade laughed. Ace glared at his knock-off. "You're going to suffer the consequences for it freak!" he screamed. "By racing?" Spade Winters asked. "No," Ace replied before slamming his left fist into his right. "Let's settle this like men." "With pleasure!" Spade laughed. He hopped off Zoda's machine to face his doppelganger. Both men balled up their fists to prepare for a big fight. Ace winters attacked first, he swung his right fist towards Spade Winters. Spade quickly dodged the blow, and in return swung a left.

   Ace Winters was able to dodge this attack. Losing all control, the young officer screamed and tackled Spade Winters. The Villain was pinned to the ground. Ace began punching Spade Winters left and right, back and forth. He was like an angry bull, who wasn't going to stop. He now had full advantage over Spade. Ace now pulled his right fist back for a huge punch, but stopped suddenly. He just realized one thing. Jody would not want this. She wouldn't want him to take a life on her behalf. Then again, Jody was dead, he killed her in cold blood. Just as Ace was about to attack again, Spade seized an opportunity. Spade Winters balled up his right fist and planted in on Ace Winters mouth. The young man flew back from the hit and groaned. He felt blood come from his mouth. Spade next got on his feet. He went over to Ace Winters and began to kick him. Ace was screaming with every hit. Zoda was obviously enjoying all of this, because he was eating popcorn as Ace took a huge beating. Spade Winters now grabbed Ace and put him in a headlock. "Don't worry," he said. "I'll make your death fast. That way I'll have time to kill that hot princess and your pretty girlfriend Lily Flyer." Ace moaned and struggled to break free. Normally he would be able to, but this fight had drained his strength. He slowly closed his eyes and prepared for the end.

   "Unhand that kid fiend!" Ace opened his eyes and looked up to see Super Arrow pointing his index finger right at Spade Winters. Super Arrow had come to his rescue! Spade knew he would lose in a fight against Super Arrow, so he dropped Ace and ran back to Zoda. Super Arrow smiled, behind him was Captain Falcon's ship! "Are you alright?" Super Arrow knelt down to help Ace out. "No!" Ace spoke. "I could've killed him. I could have avenged Jody!" "No, you wouldn't have. That's not justice," Super Arrow told him. "And letting him live is?!" Ace yelled. "There's no justice here! There never was! They killed Jody and we can't let her memory be in vain!" "True justice is giving the villains their punishment with law," the hero said. "It never involves killing." As soon as Super Arrow finished that sentence, Mrs. Arrow had arrived with Lily and Princia. Lily gasped when she saw Ace's condition. "Oh no!" Lily cried. He looked worse than he did when Michael Chain beat him up! "Let's get you up," Lily told Ace as she rushed to his side. "I can't stand," Ace responded. "Princia!" Lily shouted to the princess. "Help me out with him!" Princia Ramode ran over and grabbed Ace's left arm. Together, both of the girls helps him over to his machine. Mrs. Arrow rushed over with a first aid kit. "SUPER ARROW!" Zoda whined. "Why can't you die or leave me alone! You always have to bug me!"

   "I know you unfairly cheated at Sand Ocean," Super Arrow confronted the villain. "There's only one way to solve this once and for all." "What is that?" Zoda asked. "A race between only us two," the hero proclaimed. "No cheats, then justice will finally be served." "Whatever," Zoda rolled his eyes. If he had any that is. "What are the rules?" "They are the same as regular F-ZERO races," Super Arrow replied. "However, if you cheat, you immediately lose." "Then let's get started!" Zoda cackled. The two cruised their machines to the starting line if the track. Both pilots were ready to race their hearts out. "He'll never win," Ace said sadly. "Oh he will," Mrs. Arrow smiled. "I trained him well for this." The countdown time began as the pilots revved their engines. 3...2...1...GO! The two machines shot off, while Mrs. Arrow holding her breath. "He's a true hero," Captain Falcon said as he approached. "He'll win, I believe in him." As they passed the third turn, the Death Anchor began bumping the King Meteor repeatedly. Knowing exactly what to do, Super Arrow moved away from the attacks. Spade Winters, who was back with the others, snickered at the sight of the race. "It's time I finish this!" he said to himself. Spade pulled a remote out of his pocket and pressed a large button on it.

  The race track began to rumble and move, everyone began to sway. "What's that sound?" Princia Ramode asked. "The sound of your death sweetie pie!" Spade Winters laughed. "All of yours!" Spade ran to his machine, it was called the Spade Terrozone. After starting it, he fled from the track and the planet. The rumbling continued. "Super Arrow!" Captain Falcon spoke into his comlink to him. "Spade Winters has activated something! Get out now!" "I can't worry about that now!" Super Arrow shouted back. He was currently battling Zoda. Suddenly the rumbling stopped. It was dead silent for a while, suddenly a huge lava wave coated a section of the track. A huge lava monster emerged! "Oh my god!" Mrs. Arrow gasped. "Look out baby!" Super Arrow turned and spotted the monster. He turned to Zoda and glared. "I didn't make that!" Zoda screamed. The monster began to bang the track trying to kill the two pilots who were racing. It looked bad for both people.

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