02; new guy

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Two days of classes passed as Annie sat at home, complaining that she had 'come down with something.' She couldn't move from her room as she spent hour after hour trying to comprehend what had happened to her in that club. The nightmares she was having seemed to provide more information than the internet. She would see Emmett in her dreams and he would always be watching her from the darkest parts of her mind. Molly called her between every class, she knew her friend couldn't be sick. She hated lying to her, and felt so bad about Molly's damaged car that she had her brother get it towed and was in the process of getting it fixed for her. She didn't deserve to get dragged into whatever evil Annie stumbled across that night.

"Yo Annie, I'm home and I have food!" she heard her brother yell from the kitchen.

Annie rolled from her bed, slamming her laptop shut before heading to the kitchen. Kaleb was standing with his hands on his hips, a small smile on his face. She grabbed a fry from one of the paper bags and gave him a side hug.

He knew Annie wasn't sick. After the death of their parents they decided it wasn't each other's business to judge the ability to make decisions for themselves. When a horrific plane crash killed all two hundred-seventy passengers, it nearly destroyed the two of them. Kaleb was forced to move home and transfer to the community college in order to look after his younger sister. It took a year, but they had finally settled into a rhythm that seemed to work for the both of them. She went to her college and he went to his, and what they did in their own free time was only their business.

"Thanks Kaleb. You really have outdone yourself this time." She grinned as the scalding fry burned a path down her throat.

"Anything for the princess of my life." He twisted his Red Sox baseball cap around so that the bill was behind him. His shaggy chestnut hair poked out from underneath in an odd fashion but the look had always suited him. He handed me a bag of food. She smiled slightly at him and took the bag, pulling out another fry, "Hey, are you alright?" he asked.

She looked at him in surprise, "I'm fine, why?"

He rubbed the back of his neck hesitantly, "I don't know, it's just that you haven't skipped school in a while and I wanted to make sure everything is alright."

She gave him another squeeze before patting his back, "I am completely fine, Kaleb. It's nothing really, I just needed a little break. Nothing to do with anything, Scouts honor."

"It's hard to take that honor seriously when you weren't a scout."

"You know what I mean."

He rolled his eyes but nodded and she retreated back to her room, shutting the door behind her. In the other room, Kaleb switched on the tv and stuck his feet on the chair next to him. Annie was greeted by a buzzing as she plopped onto her bed, and she quickly rolled over to grab the phone and hit the receiver button in one swoop, hearing Molly's voice almost immediately.

"Annie. Annie we have a situation." She exclaimed without a hello.

"What Molls." Annie coughed, as if Molly cared about her sickness with whatever news she had.

"There's a new kid in bio 212," she giggled.

The two friends went to a small university the equivalent of a small town where everyone knows everyone. Gossip was always personal, and students would often transfer in and out of prestigious science programs the school had to offer.

Annie rolled her eyes, "Yeah David Lukis. I got his number last week. He just moved in down the street from me so we met before he even transferred-"

"No, no, no not David Lukis. He's old news. This guy is amazing." She interjected.

"What? What's his name?"

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