09; hell

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When Sam came out of Annie's dream the next morning in her bedroom, he was overcome with an intense desire for the girl laying in front of him as she woke up. She had batted her eyelids slowly as she peered around the room, her hair falling in weird curls around her shoulders from sleeping on it wet. Her cheeks had been flushed with a morning dew and her lips were pursed as they landed on him. He had let out a sigh and stepped into the shadows of her closet before dissipating out of her room.

She hadn't seen him leave.


He was on a mission for answers, and he declared that this reason would have to be enough to curb Demetrius' anger once he found out where he had been. As Sam entered the Underworld, his skin morphed into a primal form, hardening and adjusting to optimize his body type. He watched his hands as the color faded from his skin and as he passed a puddle in the dirt, he saw his glowing red eyes.

Hell wasn't some black and red hole in the ground. It was an alternate universe similar to that of Earth, the main difference being the lack of sun. The only light to provide any sense of day was the moon, which was full as Sam made his way down the path.

Colors were different here, and Sam despised this fact after he saw Earth for the first time. Grass was the darkest shade of green here, and there was no such thing as a moonset.

The young demon was hoping he could make it through this realm and get out before he saw anyone he knew, but he knew it would be hard given the place he needed to go. As he approached the castle, his gait slowed.

He let out a shaky breath as he grabbed the metal bars that gated the mansions entrance. As he tried to think of a way inside, he could hear trotting footsteps approaching him.

"Samael? Is that you?"

Sam turned to face the raspy voice of an imp, his horns protruding from his curly black hair. His tail was wagging behind him, and his eyes were wide in shock, but Sam recognized him instantly.

Sam felt his heart swell at the sight of his old friend, "Seth, my brother." he walked forward, placing his hand on the imp's shoulder before pulling him into a bear hug.

Seth barked out a laugh, returning the crushing hug, "Oh, how I've missed your mischief. You must come inside."

The imp placed his hand on a keypad by the gate and it slowly creaked open. He looked at Sam's sudden look of discomfort in confusion.

"Seth, I cannot see them. I need to retrieve a book and leave."

His friend frowned, "But your mo-"

"Do not mention that I am here to her. I do not wish to stay here any longer than I must."

The imp nodded sadly, leading him inside the gate. They walked in a comfortable silence and Sam thought of the last time he saw his friend, the day he chose to leave the underworld. He remembered the way the imp begged him not to leave and how he turned his back on the only friend he ever had. After all this time, Seth still welcomed him with open arms.

"I'm assuming what you're looking for is in the library?" Seth broke the silence as they approached the front door.

Sam shook his head, "I think it might be in the study."

He heard a scoff as they stepped inside, but his voice was considerably softer, "You know I can't get in there."

Sam looked over with a smirk, "So I see they haven't promoted you in the hundred years I've been away?"

Seth didn't respond as they walked down the long main corridor, their footsteps silent against the wood floor. The hallway was dark, with dim lights shining along the wall and there were doors lining each side. Sam stopped in front of one with a shiny lock next to the handle.

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