04; david

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Annie decided to curl her chestnut hair for her date with David, ringlets cascading like honey down her back. She did light makeup, very slight eyeliner and mascara and not much else. She threw on a sparkly long sleeve shirt and a high wasted flowy skirt that only fell to mid thigh. Her legs would be cold, but fashion beckoned sacrifice.

She threw on high heeled boots and looked at herself in the mirror. She felt good and looked good. She stared at her palms, which had faded to a pale red surrounding the scrapes and figured it would be fine to leave them uncovered, hoping David wasn't much of a hand holder.

She locked the door to the apartment and headed down the stairs, sending Kaleb a text with her whereabouts for the night. He texted back with a 'be safe' as she got to the bottom of the stairs. David was sitting in a Jeep against the curb. When he saw her, he hopped out and ran to the other side of the car, yanking the door open for her.

She smiled at him as he stared back at her, "you look beautiful," he said.

She could feel his sincerity and it made her cheeks heat up. He was wearing a gray button up with the sleeves rolled to his elbows and skinny black jeans. His shirt was half tucked in to his pants, and his gray shoes complimented his outfit. His hair was shaggy but it looked like he styled it that way.

"You don't look too bad yourself," she replied, grinning as he closed her door and jumped into the drivers seat.

"So I was thinking like something super casual for dinner and we could just like grab it and go. But anywhere you want is good for me." He rambled, glancing over at her as he spoke.

They decided on Five Guys pretty quickly. They both concurred good burger was best and they couldn't help but laugh at their similarities. As they sat down in a booth, sipping on milkshakes, they talked about their lives. David was the oldest of two brothers and three sisters and grew up in a hectic household surrounded by sports. His house was always full of action and there was always someone in a game or competing. Now that he lived with a few new soccer friends, his house was actually less hectic.

She gave him a small smile in return, "I live with my only brother, Kaleb. It's been just us for awhile now."

He looked across the table at me, his blue eyes perplexed, "I'm sorry."

She shook my head, "it's not your fault. My parents died around three years ago. We've made it work pretty well." She murmured, her eyes fixated on the straw as she stirred the milkshake.

She watched out of her peripheral as David slid from his side of the booth into hers. His leg bumped against hers, and he lightly grabbed her hand. He weaved his fingers through her own and pulled her even closer. However, before they relaxed into this position, he pulled her hand up to his face, looking at the scrapes.

"What happened?" He murmured, look at her through his eyelashes with concern.

She shrugged, giving him a joking grin, "I'm clumsy. Tripped over flat earth and here I am." She waved both palms at him.

He frowned, but the answer seemed to satisfy him. He picked up her hand again and put it against his face, placing a delicate kiss on the center of her palm. She felt her insides heat up and she leaned her head on his shoulder.

"And you wore heels? That's bold, Ms. Martin. I'm gonna have to hold onto you all night to make sure you don't fall." She could feel him grinning through his tone. He sounded proud that he came up with something so clever.

She giggled and nodded, lifting her head up to meet his fruitful gaze, "speaking of, are you about ready to head over there?"

He slid out from the booth, gently tugging her out with him. He held her hand all the way to the car, and opened the door so she could climb in. They rode to the party talking about their weird quirks. He talked about how he has to hear a certain song to fall asleep sometimes, and how he's obsessed with KitKats. He talked about how he has trouble watching movies in theaters, but he said seeing a movie with her would give him a different reason not to focus. She told him how she loved to stare at the stars and how she despised grape juice.

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