Dear No One •13•

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Dear No One,

You kept on looking at me today.

Yes, I did noticed that.

But I didn't returned any of those stares.

Your fangirls are still bullying me.

And Minhae saw it, she was so angry I didn't told her.

I was just thankful she was there.

You sure notice why my hair is wet this lunchtime right?

The boys kept on questioning me of what happened.

Minhae helped me with the alibi though.

But your stares told me you're not convinced.

Maybe that's why you called tonight and of course I have to lie that everything's alright.

I'm fine.

Currently in Chaos,
Ji Rin ~

P. S.

Thanks for singing me a song through the phone. 
Your voice is really good, like assuring me you're there for me. Always.

Dear No One //J•J•K•Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon