Dear No One •39•

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"This is the last," my head snapped towards him. "Meet me in the rooftop at lunch break."


"This is the last one, I promised. I just wanted to ask you something."

The scene earlier replayed like a broken record on my head until the dreading lunch break came.

As the bells ring, I stalked off to the stairs nervously. As soon as I finally stepped out, the sunlight blinded me as I have to blink a couple of times to adjust my vision.

I saw his familiar back figure standing a few meters away from me. And it didn't helped on steadying my heartbeat.

"Jeon Jungkook," I say, making my presence visible. He turn around and was greeted by his gorgeous smile.

"I'm glad you came," I stare at him for a second, wondering what's making him fidgety.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I? Besides, I'm your friend right?"

He let out a hollow laugh, making my chest tight. Why?


I saw him inhaled harshly, as I squinted my eyes figuring out, what's happening or what's wrong with him.

"Do you know that, from the very first time I saw you. I was immediately interested about you? You had this unique side of you that I never seen in a girl before."

My mouth totally clamped, he let out a chuckled and I let him continue. "Before you came, girls in this school threw their selves to us, to me, but you... You we're the exact opposite. You kept on pushing me away but I worked hard for your attention. I, I thought that was just normal thing for a guy like me but things change; feelings do."

I think I lost my tongue and so I kept quiet, he smiled bitterly. "I thought I was successful on gaining your attention but I guess was wrong. Cause up until now, your still pushing me away. And I have this alien feelings inside me towards you. I can't explain why I'm doing such things. Why I'm being like this, why I'm feeling like this. But now, I know why."

My breath hitched and my heart begin to pound like crazy. Hell, Jeon Jungkook. What are you doing?

"I never felt like this before towards a girl. And I think I'm going crazy... I've never been jealous or hurt so bad. And I've never been so happy just to see someone smile at me like the way you do. I never thought that those were the signs I missed to figure out."

"And now, I want this to let it all out. I can't sleep, I kept on thinking lately. That's why I made this decision... Ji Rin, I think I'm in love with you."

"I-I..." I closed and open my mouth but nothing came. I shut my eyes as I brushed my hair frustratedly. do I respond to this? My head began to hurt and my pounding heart is not helping.

"Do you, do you feel the same way?"

My breath hitched, I wanted to run. I wanted to cry. I don't want to answer him. And so I stood up, just when I was about to walk away. Someone grabbed my wrist.

"Just tell me if it is a yes or no."

I gulped and blinked the tears away. My heart is screaming for Yes but my mind is begging me to say No.

I fully faced him, he has this nervous and expectant smile. I wanted to screamed at fate. Why would they do this?

"M-Minhae, likes you. She really do. I-I think you would be better with her."

"I know. She told me last Tuesday."

"W-What? I mean, r-really?" I looked at him shocked, Minhae never told me.

"Yeah, she told me not answer her yet. That's why I'm confessing at you right now."


I have to give way for Minhae... Dear heart, I'm sorry.

"So, is it a No or a Yes?"

"I'm s-sorry. But it's a N-No. Let's remain friends Jungkook." I watch his face fell before my very eyes and that was the painful sight I had ever seen. I turned my back to him, not wanting to see his pained expression anymore.

"Do you really want me to be with Minhae?"

"Y-Yes," I answer him not turning away to see his face, afraid I might broke down and cry.

"As you wish, then." He said coldly, a shiver runs down to my spine as I hear his voice sound like an ice stabbing at my chest.

The bell rings with the sound of my heart being shattered. I freed myself from his grip and walk away from him... Forever.


A/N: awww 💔 😭

JK's POV is on Paper Hearts (HIS) #39


Dear No One //J•J•K•Where stories live. Discover now