Dear No One •37•

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"Ji Rin," my laughs evaporated quickly at the sound of my name from his voice. I turned my head to him and looked at him confusingly.

"H-Huh?' I breathed, suddenly my throat became dry. Everyone in the table fell silent as they looked at us curiously.

His gaze shift from me to Hobi who is in front of me. We we're joking awhile ago but Jungkook decided to interrupt so... Yeah.

"Hyung, can we exchange seats?" I watched him agape, what the hell is he doing? Hobi turned to me then to him and nods, "Sure, Jungkook-ah."

"Thanks, hyung." He said as he got up from his chair and did exchanged with Hobi. My mind still couldn't process what the actual hell was happening when he starts talking again.

"Can we talk?" He began, piercing his gaze through me making me uneasy as ever.

I blinked and gulped the lump on my throat, steadying my voice. "But we're talking already." I said calmly, practically screaming inside.

He looked at me with so much intensity that the hairs on my skin began to shoot up. I moved my head backwards as he slowly spill the words, "After school. You. Me. Alone."

"Wh-What? Wait a minut--"

I hadn't even answer him when the school bells ring, signaling everyone that lunch break has been done. He stood up immediately and made his way out of the cafeteria at the speed of light, not even bothering to bid goodbye to us.

I stare out the space unbelievably, "Jeez, seriously." I stated awkwardly glancing at everyone on the table. The five people has this encouraging look in their faces like they waited for this to happen. Meanwhile, Yoongi has this pokerface plastered on his face. And Minhae... I can't read her expression.

"That was bravest thing he had ever done, I think so far. He's the shyest and playful one in our group but I never think he could voice out the things he's afraid of. Aigoo, I'm so proud of Jungkook-ah." I knitted my eyebrows looking at Jin, he's still looking at the chair Jungkook had sat earlier.

"You both need that. Stop running away, sort things out okay?" I felt Namjoon's hand pat my shoulder, giving me an encouraging smile, revealing his adorable dimples.

"Namjoon-ah," He looked at me pointedly and I blanked out. Could we really do that? Is there really a possibility that we could sort things out?

If only I could just hide everything with laughters and smiles. But reality isn't like that, it's always the hard way.

"I-I need to go first. Mianhae, Ji Rin!" Minhae said quickly and stood up not even waiting for my response.

"Minhae, wait no--" I didn't run to her, afraid we might fight again. Is it have to be really like this?


The bells ring signaling our last subject to end. The dreading part of this day that I wish wouldn't come. Everybody began to disperse to the room, I quickly approach Minhae's table.

"Minhae, wait for Jungkook in the locker. He'll walk you home." Her eyes looked shocked and confused, she stare at me finding the ridiculousness on my face.

"Ji Rin--"

"No. Listen to me. Minhae, do you trust me?" She looked at me for a long time then nods.

"Good. Now, do as I say. Wait for him on the locker, he'll be there. I promise." I gave her a small smile and walked out on the classroom.

I read again the scrunched out note on my hands that fell on my book awhile ago.

'At the front of the school entrance. I'll be there. I'll wait for you.'



I walked to the empty hallway, and saw the familiar back of a person standing outside rigidly. My pace slowed at the sight of him, my cowardness began to creep on my being.

Fck. Can I just... No. I have to do this. It's either now or never.

I took huge breaths as I finally came closer. "Jungkook-ah," I said behind him, he turn around slowly like any other slow-mo scene in movies.

"Ji Rin," he said with recognition, his voice laced with relief and happiness. God knows how hard I fight the urged not to breakdown in front of him. Keep it together Lee Ji Rin!

"So, what do you want to talk about? Minhae's waiting for you in the lockers."

An emotion passed through his eyes and I shake out the guilty feeling inside me. I can do this.

"Yah, Ji Rin-ah... Are you avoiding me?"

I mentally sighed, why did I even agree to talk to you? Stupid heart.

I forced a laugh and looked at him. How did you know? I was trying my best not to make it obvious.

"Jungkook-ah, don't be ridiculous. Why would I?" I faked a smile to him. It's for the best. Please understand...

"I miss you."

My heart jumped at your words. I almost wanted to run to you and whisper, I miss you too. But I can't. I can't hurt my best friend.

"What are you talking about? We see each other everyday, even eat lunch together."

I still plastered a fake smile though I'm bleeding inside. Pain crosses on his eyes and I felt guilty about it. God, don't do this...

"We do... But not like we used to."

I wanted to hug him so bad and tell him, nothing changed. That I'm still here for him, like always. But I just can't. I need to stop before I do something stupid.

"Yah, cheer up! It's so not you Jungkook. You better go inside, Minhae is waiting for you."

"But Ji Rin--"

"I have to go now. My Mom is waiting." I pushed him inside not letting him finished his sentence.

He looked at me sadly and nods. I gaved him a smile and waved back. He turned his back completely walking away from me. And I don't know what to feel, is it relief or regret?

I walked too on the opposite direction, heading to the school gates outside.
I want to end this torture. I abruptly stopped and turn around again. I saw his retreating form barely seen on the hallway.

"Please go and don't dare to look back." I silently wished as tears became to flow repeatedly.

With one last glanced I smiled bitterly and left. With my heart screaming in pain and as I felt my world slowly crumbling down to ashes.

"I'll walk you home, and I'm not taking 'No' as an answer either."


A/N: JK's POV on this chapter is also on Paper Hearts (HIS) at chapter #37! You can go check it out too :>

Dear No One //J•J•K•Where stories live. Discover now