Dear No One •48•

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Dear No One,

How long has it been?
Well, I guess this will be my last letter to you.

I'll be flying to New York tonight. I got accepted in Juilliard.

You guys have been hella busy lately. Do you guys even know how to rest? Are you guys eating properly? >.<

Bangtan has been transforming into fine men now. Hahaha. Your hardworks are really paying you off.
The endless trainings and sleepless nights have fruited into success. The songs and mvs are all so daebak!

I'm so so happy and so proud. It makes me sometimes doubt you're the boys I'm being friends at. My classmates are all your fangirls and telling them I'm your friend will be the death of me. Lmao.

Anyways, I'll be taking music in Juilliard and pursue playing piano. I don't know when will I come back. You won't notice it though..

So, I guess this is goodbye.
I'll miss you.

Ji Rin ~

P. S.
I wish you could come and send me off. I already told the others though.
I'll still wait anyway. :)

Dear No One //J•J•K•Where stories live. Discover now