Dear No One •29•

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Dear No One,

School Festival is fast approaching!
Ah~ I heard from Namjoon you guys will be performing.
I'm excited about it.
Not only me, but the whole school are too.
I heard from Joonie too that you have now a group name. YOUNG NATION.
There are rumors too that they'll be an Entertainment agency coming to our school.
They're looking for those talented  students to scout on.
I hope you guys would be one of those people to be chosen.
Wah! I'm sooo excited already!

Super Excited,
Ji Rin ~

P. S.
I'll be cheering with Minhae for you guys.
°.*\( ˆoˆ )/*.°

A/N: [BTS INFO] The other names that were considered for the BTS group names were "Big Kidz" and "Young Nation".
Yeah, I'm a BTS trash. XD

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