Dear No One •34•

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Dear No One,

What did I do this time?
I saw Yugeom and Mark earlier this day. Honestly, they're really nice but a bunch of jerks and cocky sometimes.
They're funny and crazy as hell too.
I'm not going with them even if they're really great, cause I still value our friendship more than anything else.
And at the same time, I don't want to just blocked them just like that, they might cause trouble at you guys okay?
I don't want that to happened. I don't want to let them think that you're all depriving me to see them.
They'll sure be chaos if that will happen. Both of you sure hate your guts so bad.
And I can see the tension and danger whenever you guys meet. It's disturbing.
It felt like you want to beat each other and wring your necks and ripped out of your throats.

And when you showed up earlier with Tae, I know sht will be going real.
I wasn't expecting you guys to be there nor the basketball challenge you guys made.
I was dumbfounded and couldn't speak. You were dragging me out of the hallway with Tae, when I snapped out of it.

I fcked up again, did I?
This is all my fault...

Your Troublemaker,
Ji Rin~


"Hyung, are you really serious about this?"

"Why? Are you guys all okay to let them take away Ji Rin just like that?"

"Yugeom is right. She's been really nice and good to us. We should let her know that we value and care for her so much."

"Yeah, she doesn't deserved to be in a group who doesn't give a single fck about her."

"She doesn't deserve to be treated like that, to let her be all alone. Those bastards doesn't deserve her."

"Yes, that's right! Let's fight for her!"

"Let's win our Princess back."


Dear No One //J•J•K•Where stories live. Discover now