What Happened To All Our Promises? | Hartbig

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[I'm sorry. Don't hate me, please.]

"Grace? Gracie?"

When she heard the voice calling out her name, it felt as if she had been set back in time for five years. As if nothing had changed. As if she still was in high school. The rush in her chest, the butterflies in her stomach, the slight blushing at the nickname. All of it came back with that fucking adorable lisp. Even before she turned around she knew exactly what shade of blue the other girls eyes were going to be and how her mouth would twist in a small smile. She wasn't sure if she actually wanted to see it all - but on the other hand she had been secretly waiting for this moment for every second since she had last seen the other one so Grace turned around, not before taking another deep breath, though.

"Hannah", she replied, her voice merely a whisper.

"Yeah. Hi. It has been some time, hasn't it? I just thought I... never mind. Hi."

Grace couldn't help but smile at the awkwardness of the other girl. Usually that had been her role. Hannah was the one who had always been the one who was confident and fun and outgoing. Grace had always been reserved and self-conscious. It had always been that way and neither of the girls had thought that they would ever face a social situation that would make Hannah as uncomfortable as Grace. Until now, apparently.

It was only when Hannah cleared her throat that Grace noticed she had been staring off space for some time now. She blushed again.

"Uhm. Sorry. Hey. I was just... kinda reminiscing, I guess. Yeah, it's been quite some time. How have you been?"

"Great, actually. I mean it was pretty rough at first when... well, you know. Yeah, but I met someone. She's awesome. I think I might want to marry her someday. How about you?"

"Awh, Han, I'm so happy for you. And yeah, yeah, I've been alright. Just, you know, life happening and stuff."

It wasn't a lie, technically, Grace decided. She really was happy for Hannah. She had always just wanted the best for the other girl. So the fact that the thought of Hannah with someone else still stung could be ignored.

Hannah just smiled, not knowing what to say. Grace tried as hard as she could to figure out what the smaller woman was thinking but she wasn't used to reading Hannah anymore. There had been a time when both of them had needed barely more than a glance sometimes to figure the other one out. That was long over, though.

After what felt like an eternity to Grace, Hannah decided to speak again.

"So... uhm, you wanna get a drink or something? For old times."

Grace nodded shyly. "For old times", she agreed.

A few hours later, they had gotten over awkward silences. Conversation was flowing easily – just as it always had with them. Neither of them had drunk enough to feel the effects of the alcohol, they had stuck with the one beer they had ordered when they had first entered the bar. Grace couldn't speak on Hannah's behalf but her main reason for not drinking was the she suspected, no, that she knew she would do or say something stupid. She couldn't let that happen. Because she needed to remember this Hannah. The happy Hannah, the laughing Hannah. She was hoping that this would somehow overwrite the memory of the crying Hannah, the begging her to stay Hannah, the Hannah, she, Grace herself, had left in pieces.

As the night went on, Grace felt herself getting sentimental. Not that she wasn't before, but now the ache in her chest grew to be almost unbearable and she was getting distracted from the light conversation they were still having by the questions that seemed to have burnt themselves in her mind without her being able to stop them. She only came back to reality when someone snapped right before her eyes. Grace jumped and Hannah chuckled: "Earth to Gracie. That's only the second time this has happened today, though. I remembered you doing it a lot more often."

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