Happy New Year! (Well not yet), or best moments of 2016

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Well, its the end. 2016 is almost over already.
Well sorry, I need to perk up, don't I?
I will be adding my best moments from 2016:

First up is from Can You Keep A Secret, when Henry becomes Kit Danger:

It's because of this." Sharpfeather strolled over to the monitor at the back of the room and pressed a button. An image of a silver tom appeared on the screen. "This," he said. "Is Silverpelt. He is the most dangerous warrior in the history of the Clans. I need you to help me stop him."
Henry thought that this was a dream. That he would wake up, and the world would be normal. So, he bit his tail, letting out a sharp Yelp. Nope. Not a dream.
He turned his attention back to Sharpfeather, as the warrior abruptly said," I want you to be my sidekick."

"Are you sure I'm completely unrecognizeable?" Henry surveyed himself in his uniform from his forepaws to tail tip. Sharpfeather nodded."Oh yeah. Completely."
He held something out in his right paw."I need you to come here."
Henry obeyed, and Sharpfeather fastened something around his left foreleg. Henry tapped it with a claw."What's this?"
   It's how I will contact you. You must know that three flashes means there's an emergency. Anything less than that... Just come anyway. Now Henry, in order to fully become my sidekick, you must take this oath."
Henry sat down, ready to obey any further instructions.

"Raise your right paw." Sharpfeather said, and Henry obeyed. "Repeat after me: I, Henry."

"I, Henry."

"Promise to be an awesome sidekick to Captain Cat."

"Pledge to be an awesome sidekick to Captain Cat.''

"And to never ever ever ever tell anyone about my secret."

"And to never ever ever ever tell anyone about my secret."

" You left out one ever."


"Then it is done." Sharpfeather lowered his right forepaw, and Henry's apprenticeship was official. 

Next is from The Fire Rises, when Dovetail and Lightfoot discover Blackpaw:

Dovetail." Dovetail growled back. " What are you doing out of DarkClan?"

Lightfoot shot Dovetail a look. " I got tired of it and left. Why are you here?"
Dovetail shook her head. " You'll see when I show ya.' She flicked her tail. "Come on. It's close."

Dovetail gasped."Great StarClan."
"What is it?" asked Lightfoot, ginger-and white fur ruffling. Please StarClan, it better not be-
Dovetail's deeply saddened voice broke into his thoughts. "Great StarClan! It's Blackpaw!"
Lightfoot stood forward and glanced at the apprentice's body. His once- black fur was burned profusely, and his teeth were bared in a snarl of defiance, but it was still Blackpaw.
"Do we just bury him here or just leave him here?" he asked. " I can't take the smell anymore."
Dovetail reared on him, hissing. " Are you always this cold-hearted? Gosh, I'm surprised your Clanmates took care of you so well." Her voice grew calmer and she managed to flatten her fur. "We bury him and tell his parents."
"That it?" Lightfoot was getting ticked off by this cat.

Dovetail nodded solemnly. "Yes."
She lowered her head in sadness and sighed. "I can't believe this would happen to such a young warrior with so much potential. It must have happened during the Midnight Fire."

Next, the beginning of Warrior of the Night:

As he lay down in his nest, the Doctor took an absentminded glance at the TARDIS. He'd tried for the last time to figure out how to fly it, but his mind would go blank every time he tried.
He threw his cape over his face, then took his Time Warrior necklace off and stared at it. 

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