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A golden tom turned his head. "Yeah, Sharpfeather?"

"What'cha doin?" the dark brown tabby followed Henry's gaze down from the branch and realized. "Ooooooooooooh........ You like her."

Henry gave his former mentor a shove. "There's nothing wrong with Icemoon. She's just really pretty." His words trailed off as he realized his mistake.

"You really like her." Sharpfeather continued to tease Henry. Henry delivered a blow to the side of Sharpfeather's face, not caring one bit about his indestructability. The warrior growled, and returned the blow, but Henry's lightning-fast reflexes saved him. "Darn you and your stupid powers." Sharpfeather cursed silently.

But Henry'd heard him. "Your fault." He meowed. Sharpfeather smirked. "You gonna talk to her?"

"Tell her what?"

"That you like her."

Henry's head darted in Sharpfeather's direction. "You serious?"

Sharpfeather pointed with his tail to the  tabby she-cat, who, Henry realized, had been staring at the both of them for the past several minutes. Henry nodded and sighed."Fine."

He jumped off of the tree branch and righted himself quickly, landing on the ground and letting out a quiet, "Oof."

Icemoon giggled. "You always this, you know, klutzy?"

"Uhhh.... N-no." Henry replied, face quickly growing hot. "And I'm fine."

"Okay. Wondering. Wanted to make sure." Icemoon turned to leave, but turned back in realization. "You're that daylight-warrior, right? Weren't you mentored by Sharpfeather?"

"Yeah." Henry murmured, scratching the back of his head with a forepaw. "I'm Henryheart."

"Meet here tomorrow?" Icemoon asked, blue eyes growing wide.

 "S-sure." Henry replied; Icemoon bowed her head before scampering over a root and disappearing into the forest.

Henry looked up to Sharpfeather, who bunched his muscles and dove straight for him. Henry's eyes grew wide, and he leapt out of the way. Sharpfeather landed on the ground with a dull thud. "Curse your stupid powers."

"Still your fault."

Down in the Cat Cave, Henry sat at the monitor, browsing through the forest cameras.

"Seems oddly quiet since Spiderfoot died." Henry turned around at his friend Charlotte's voice. He nodded. "He may have been a bit weird, but it does feel awfully quiet without him."

He remembered the warrior who'd given him his powers, and let out a sad sigh. "Well." Charlotte interrupted his thoughts. "I heard about Icemoon."

Henry felt his face grow hot. "So? I just talked to her, that's it."

" I heard you're meeting up with her again."

"No." Henry lied;his face was as hot as fire now. "I'm not."

"Sure. Fine with me." Charlotte shook herself, the bell on her sky-blue collar jingling. "By the way, I know you were lying."

Darn you, Sharpfeather. Henry unsheathed his claws at an overwhelming urge to claw the monitor's console to pieces.

Charlotte was now looking at a screen, depicting a red, flashing, glare. "Sharpfeather needs you. Emergency on the ThunderClan border. Very Dangerous."

"No problem, this kit can handle danger."

Charlotte tossed him his gum tube, and he was in uniform within seconds. "Notify Sharpfeather."

"Notified. He's already heading there."

Henry backed up onto a platform, and his tube came down over him. "I promise I'll be back."

He raised his head, called, "Up the tube," and disappeared.

A rouge tom swiped his claws, but met thin air. Henry leaped forward lightning-fast, his movements pummeling the rouge's belly. 

"This doesn't seem fair. Well, for you. Here," Said Henry. "Let me make it easy for you. " With one lightning-fast uppercut, he knocked out the last remaining rouge.

"So." Sharpfeather said, moving to Henry to congratulate him. "Now that the rouges are defeated, we can release the hostages."

He walked over to a fox den, and called. "They're gone. You can come out."

But as they emerged, Henry realized who one of the prisoners was. His mouth dropped open. "Chloe?"

I'm going to add the cover once I have access to a computer, them I'm gonna delete the draft.
I'm almost out of the Henry Danger fandom.

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