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So here's some old stuff from my DWWC news book. I've lost my entire interest in that particular book because you know I announce all of my DWWC stuff here.

The Before Adventures is a ten book series, each consisting of four to ten chapters each, telling the story of the Doctor and his granddaughter's adventures before coming to ThunderClan.

Info about the fics below. (Spoilers ahead)

Prequel: Escape From Gallifrey

Before the Doctor started on his adventures, he had to leave Gallifrey.

Book 1: Into The Fire

When the Doctor finds himself captured by a rouge band of time travelers called the Time Warriors and separated from his granddaughter Arkytior, he will go to drastic lengths to free himself and get back to her, before his kind reaches him.

Book 2: Poison

The Doctor and his granddaughter land on a mysterious planet of Agkistrodia, home to cats that can somehow shift into snakes. But a killer is among the five Snake Tribes, and the Doctor must ally with them to catch the killer...before it's too late.

Book 3: Clans of Time

The TARDIS takes the two Time Lords to a planet called Earth, where cats rule the wild. Soon they discover that the founders of the Clans are from Gallifrey, old friends of the Doctor. All except for one: Emberstar: the Doctor's half-brother and his oldest foe.

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