I got Tagged

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So, I got tagged by snowystar0506
Here are ten random facts about me!

1. My favorite song? Although I'm a huge Owl City fan, I'd prefer King And Lionheart by Of Monsters And Men.

2. Oh, yeah, me favorite food is EGG ROLLS!!!

3. Favorite instrument? Electric Guitar. (Yes, I'm a Capaldi fan)

4. 4 siblings. One who's a screaming demon (youngest sister), one who's completely into PewDiePie and stays up until 2 in the morning watching it (younger sister), and a brother who just is a weirdo at times (youngest). As you can concur, I'm the oldest.

5. I'd prefer my mom. (Sorry dad)


7. Totally a night owl.

8. My addiction has gotta be my favorite TV show, Doctor Who. If I go even a week without it, I go nutz...

9. Taylor Swift. She's been my favorite singer my whole life and I'm sticking to it.

10. Shy or outgoing.... I've gotta say I'm about in the middle. I'm outgoing, especially in a fangirl moment, but I get shy around new people.

Ten people I'll tag.

Le Random Fangirling - Rant Book 1.0Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora