The First Novel I Ever Tried to Write (unedited) (May be cheesy so look away)

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Month 3 Day 19 Year 2070
I'm writing in this scroll cause I just found this.
I'd found it in the midst of my mother's mess of her den. She told me, "Fine, fine Moon. Take it. I'm trying to rid myself of some empty scrolls." My sister, Rain was completely livid. She was like, "I've been asking mother for months, and still, I haven't got a scroll!"
Oh, by the way, we're dragon wolves.
Rain (my sister) is (yes) a rain dragon wolf. Mine is also obvious. A moon dragon wolf.
It's almost hunting time! More tomorrow.

Month 3 Day 20
The hunting party was so awesome! I caught:
1 vole
3 squirrels
6 pheasants, and
1 elk.
I feasted until the moon was high in the sky!

Month 4 Day 1
So much has happened since I last wrote in here! The most exciting thing that has happened, is that Mother said we would be going on a journey. We would be leaving when the moon is full, which is in three days! Oh, wolf spirits, I'm so excited!

Month 4 Day 4
We will be leaving today! Rain was jumping up and down like she was crazy. She did flips in the air, spraying us with the water from her wings.

We are on the journey right now. All I brought with me is this scroll.
I wonder if we are going to stop to hunt soon. My stomach thinks my throat has been ripped out by a coyote.

Month 4 Day 5
We did stop to hunt. But all I caught was a pheasant. Luckily, Rain shared her elk with me.
That was a rare moment. Oh look, Rain, a sharp shinned hawk!
Yes, I whacked her with my wing at that prank.
There wasn't really any hawk.
My wings have scales that sparkle like the stars.
I almost forgot. I need to tell you why we are going on this journey. We are going to visit Father. I think it's because he helped us win the battle against the coyotes.
I heard he got are in his wings. Don't worry! He can still fly. I have gotten many tears in my wings, and they've healed. The scales help conceal the tears (usually).

Month 4 Day 10
We had visited Father a few days ago. It was awesome!
You will never guess what he gave me and Rain.
To me, Moon:
1. A necklace made out of the rarest gems
2. A wolf battle mask.
To my sister, Rain:
1.A scroll (surprise!)
2. A kestrel
Rain and I were so ecstatic, and yet we were bouncing around, showering the ground with sparkles and water. That was the best day ever!

Month 4 Day 14
I've been having this crazy dream lately. In my dream, something's pulling my tail, but when I turn around, there's nothing there. Hunting party soon. I'll write more later.

I'm the only one up right now (isn't it obvious? I'm a moon dragon wolf). The hunting party was okay. I didn't catch anything, though. Rain shared her catch -a pheasant - with me (Isn't it weird how Rain shares with me lately?). I'm tired. See you in the morning.

Month 4 Day 15
Rain has taken her kestrel out hunting. She's always been into falconry these days. Well, I'm just writing in this scroll out of boredom. Mother's the only one hunting tonight. I'm going to tell you what happened today. Well, I tried on my battle mask today, and guess what? It fits! I decorated it with some jewels and feathers.
I might wear it to the Moon wolf ceremony. Oh, and I'm the daughter of an alpha.

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