Please Kill Me Now

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You should know my two horrible sisters from some earlier posts. Well, this one's about my lazy bratty youngest sister Ruby (unrelated to Lilian-Nightshade's character) who likes to exploit me and get me into all sorts of trouble, you should know her a lot, right?

Well, she's trying to get me into trouble right now. I had found one Sprite bottle in my room, that's it.

Well, she brought in five more, set them on my dresser, and demanded to know why I had drank all of them. Then she went out to my mom, told on me, and now I'm afraid I may get my Kindle taken away.

And all this is over what?

All because I wouldn't give her a charger, even though she clearly has one in her room.

Yes, a flippin' charger.

I don't think she's my sister. I think she's the Devil's reincarnation and seriously deserves to be punished. (I could've put that into a stronger vent, but there would've been a lot of cussing. I'm trying to keep my tone down a bit.)

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