Addmiting a small rumor!!!

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Hi cookie-samas and creamy-kuns lets get straight into this chapter quickly.

Funneh's POV:

I was eating my food and saw the boy that i fell over on earlier, he was sitting next to another girl. I felt a sadness inside with a brush of jealousy, but i was just having a blankk face. I flinched because it felt like i was showing a down face and continued eating...

Time Skip!!~ Classes ~

Alec's POV:
We all sat down in our seats when the teacher came in walking slowly to his desk. He had a cross face, he then let out words, well he blurted it out. "SOMEONE STOLE MY TACO!!" Everyone was speechless and looked blankly at eachother.

When the teacher had gotten over it, like half our learning to us, then he asked us to introduce ourselves to everyone. So there was three people that was before me and this what i said "Hi, my name is Alec, i have a little sister 2yrs younger than me. Im 16yrs old and my hobby is to go to the park." That was shoter than i thought.

I sat back down and i saw the dark blue hair girl go up there saying, "uhh, Hi, Im Funneh and I have Two friends, One is Kyran that is obsessed with Manga, and Gold that adores clothes. My hobbies is meeting people even though im not good at it, and also i like to try new things."
When she finished her intro I now new her name 'Funneh' It was a cute name i said to myself...

Time skip~ Resses~

Funneh's POV:

I was zoned out again realizing that the boy with red hair was Alec and that girl next to him was his sister. Then i zoomed back to reality where there was girl that seemed pretty sassy where alot of pink, the girl that had a hat on said "Im brit and this is Felicia, were popular!! So get out of our way losers." She got me so cross i gave her the look and said "Oi, thats not even a nice thing to say, plus if you were popular we would know you!" I pushed through but they tugged me back to my spot.

Then when i was gonna give them what they deserved, Alec came near by, then came up to me saying "hey, I remember you, you were 'Funneh' right?" But then Felicia butt in and said.

"Hey you there, boy with devil eyes?"
"Yes you, I tell you what, if you push this girl, ill take you on a date"
"Ummm...i cant!"
"Why you are a devil boy?"
"Just do it and ill be your girlfriend!"

What, he likes someone else, which means he likes another person... ...I looked back where Kyran was protecting Gold, and i ran right past them into the bathroom. He probably new that i liked him, i thought i could keep it for one day but i couldn't.

Now I feel hurt inside and all of a sudden i teared up, and relized that the tears clouded up my vision. But i swipped them away to forgive and foget. But it was inmossible, i think im in love with him, i could only thinking about him...


So that is all and I hope you enjoyed this chapter and;

Pls vote and comment down below and click on my other books!!~

Happy new year 2017 is grate!!!

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