Mum's Reaction...

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Yay Im getting more votes thankyou!!
Ok, again. Hi Cookie-samas and creamy-kuns im going make this intro very short to make the story longer, lets do this!!

Funneh's POV:

*Sniff Sniff* I was at the corner of the stalls, trying hard not to hicup. My arms were rapped around my legs while my head was on my knees, then my mind became blank. I forgot what i was crying for...thats what i get for staying in here to long, i got up gently. I looked at the mirror next to the sink, i took one look and i remembered...Alec..he liked someone. I doubt it was me, 3% chance he'd like me.

I heard someone knock on the door, then they asked if i was in here, Gold. Oh I forgot i was in this late, I bet I skipped class. That was pretty dumb of me, I oppened the door and the next second later...She hugged me. I hugged her back and by the look on her face, she new I liked Alec.

Why, not even half of the day I can keep a secret, Not ONE!! I started to cry on Gold shoulder, and I held her tighter.
She was the only person i can embrace my fellings without telling them, why one the first day I had to have my heart ripped out...

Time skip~ HomeTime~

Alec's POV:

When Funneh ran away after I said I liked 'someone', does she like me, I saw Gold run after her. Hmm... Me and Ally waited for mum to drive thru, I leaned on the wall putting my hoodie on. I then put my ear buds on listening to random music, I dont mind listening to anything. After a few mins i grabbed my bag and Ally's and went to walk close to the riad seeing mum drive in, getting in the car as we clicked our belts...

Funneh's POV:

Mum picked me and Gold up, when i got in car i stuck my earbuds in my ears and listened to a random song. It was sad, which made me sad, so looked outsidw the window as I saw sprinkles of rain drops fall (why does every sad story has rain to set the mood XD) and in a few minutes we reached our destination. In my world was just confusion, drama and Alec. But reality was mum blabbering about how our day was. We got out of the car and I ran up to my room on my bed, Gold was trying her best to make mum stay but couldnt.

Mum came up the stairs, i could slowly hear her. I felt worried what her reaction will be, she never heard me having a crush and Alec was my first. She then opened the door starring at me while my face was planted in my pillow, she slowly came closer and had gently sat on my bed while stroking my hair. She then asked "Sweetie whats the matter? Ohh...did you lose the soccer game?" Then she reminded me, I forgot to play soccer after the first class, but instead i was crying in the stall.

Then I got up and hugged her tightly and started to cry, and lied my head on her shoulder, still in a hugging position.  "M-mum...I-I think..I'm *hic* I-I-In L-love!!" Mum then was in shock. But instead she smiled and simply said "your just like mummy!" She then continued, "I had a crush, not dad, but a first crush and he was handsome. But he wasnt the nice, cute type, he was bad and did bad things, so please be careful with what you choose."

Then a new word came into mind erasing everything else that confused, and the word cleared it out called 'choice'... This changed me... and helped me...

Yay it is finally done, uh oh..

There, much better, well;

Vote and comment down below and click on my other books by me!!!! That will make me more enthusiastic!!!!!

Bye bye cookie-samas and creamy-kuns and have a great day!!!!! ☺

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