Grumpy Dad!!

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Hi cookie-samas and creamy-kuns its Angel-chan here and of course this will be short, now lets get straight into this chapter quickly!

Funneh's POV:

Me and gold were lying on the couch watching a scary movie, Gold was holding popcorn and was holding a hot cocoa. I think Gold picked out the movie The Undaunted Underworld  this movie was the best with all chaos, with not that much blood as the other ones.

Me and Gold had our eyes glued to the T.V waiting to what happened to clair if she peeked thru the key hole, finding her trapped friends or finding a booby trap. When she did... *Flick, The T.V switched off* Me and Gold jumped as pitch darkness blurred our vision. We froze and slowly turned on the lamp next to us, and we noticed as our vision was clear DAD turned the T.V off. He had a cross face and pointed at the clock while signalling that we stayed up at  3:40am (that ticked me off XD), he then took out the disc from the T.V, took the case and put it under his pit while walking into his office. He then put the disc in the draw and locked it, he then walked back down stairs quietly yawning.

I rubbed my arm looking at Gold while she crossed her arm and stubbornly layed her bed going to sleep. I did the same, man maybe i should of listened to mum when she said dad would be mad at us. Well that wasnt what i expected


Hoped you enjoyed this, srry havent been updating. We used up all our gigs from our internet so we had to wait a month for it to refresh. So pls dont hate me!!!! But all aside, comment and vote down below!

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