Glyn's Sorting

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The Great Hall was, well, great. All around the decorations for the Sorting Ceremony hung, glistening from the light of the hundreds of candles in the room. The tables were full of the older years, Glyn looked over at the Hufflepuff table to see where he might sit if he was sorted there.

After a few other first years were sorted his name was called
"Glyn Scamander"
He walked up fiddling with his hands nervously looking back and realising the whole hall is watching him. He sat down and the hat was placed on his head, immediately it said "HUFFLEPUFF!" and he was delighted.

Still scared half to death he walked down to the Hufflepuff table and sat next to this short boy with light ginger hair. This boy shook hands with Glyn.
"Hi there my, name is Patrick" said the boy with a heartwarming grin on his face.
"Glyn, that's my name," For a moment he was uncertain about this joyful boy.

More names were called but when Glyn heard the name "Halley Lovegood?" he payed attention. He needed to know what house his only friend was in.
"RAVENCLAW!" Shouted the hat.
Glyn realised this was good, Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws generally had lessons together.

After the whole ceremony was finished, and Dumbledore gave his speech, each house was taken back by their prefect. Entering the common room was an experiance Glyn would never forget. The kitchen was full of food and house elves smiled at everyone as they entered. The fire was so warm and cosy and the fireplace was magnificent. The whole place felt like a hobbit hole and had a very earthy feel to it with it's endless baskets of hanging plants and it's sofas. The dorms were easy to get to and were equally as cosy as the main common room. The beds were lay out in a way that made the room feel spacious.

Glyn immediately sat on his bed and talked to Edward whom he hadn't spoken to since the train. Hogwarts didn't seem that bad but he didnt know a thing about what's to come for him.

~ Chloroplastious

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