History Part 2

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Mabel POV

I could tell Wendy was shocked and horrified at what I had told her had happened then she asked me "but why is dipper like this I understand he went under a traumatic experience but why is he acting like a psychopath" "well it's because ever since Karen did those despicable things to dipper his wounds turned into half healed scars however they would always hurt and if he took a shower or bath they would bleed and as you aw earlier if he is held tightly his scars would also reopen as well as he is plagued with nightmares of that night every time he falls asleep the nightmares would occur and he would wake up screaming and in a cold sweat, the doctors gave him sleeping medicine for the nightmares but he said unless he over dosed the nightmares would still come so most nights he would get 3 hours of sleep at most and as for his scars he was given an experimental drug that would stop he pain for as long as he kept using it and would also help in the process of heling his scars however their was only one known side effect and that was that while he was on the drug he won't be able to feel anything until its effects wear out however he finished them just before we got here and their sending another container full of the drug but it will be few days until it gets here" I replied to Wendy "but having nightmares every night turn someone a caring and loving as dipper into a psychopath" she asked just then we heard dippers voice from behind us saying "it's because before I was given the drug I couldn't handle the pain so I so I had tried hanging myself but Mabel came home and 'saved me' but didn't tell are parents then I tried to over dose but it just gave me a stomach ache witch my parents put down as food poisoning, and I had started cutting my wrists while taking shower but all 6 times my sister would 'save' me and through the whole time my parents had put cameras up and saw my attempted suicide attempts and just let it happen and then one night I heard them talking to Mabel saying that the next time I tried to kill myself just let it him do it and don't try and save him" after he said that I went white.

Dippers POV

I saw Mabel turn as pale as a ghost "I bet you didn't know I knew that did you" I said calmly "n-no" I heard her say timidly "and just so you know I saved some pills for a certain someone oh yeah and he's someone that's messed with both of us" I said with a small chuckle I then walked out of the room to go for a walk while I get ready for my revenge tomorrow ha he's going to pay bigtime now.

Mabel's POV

I heard weeny say something but I was too busy trying to think of who he could be playing revenge on could it be Gideon or the gnome guy or what I just don't know who he's talking about that's when I noticed Wendy was shaking me "y-yeah" I said "will you be ok staying here tonight with dipper when he gets back" Wendy asked me in a concerned voice "yeah I've shared a room with him all my life even after the events of that night so if he was going to do something he would have done it by now" I said reassuringly "o-ok but you could come home with me it wouldn't be any hassle really I could conv-" I cut Wendy off "I will be fine trust me alright" I said "ok Mabel I trust you" she responded.

Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter I just got so confused as to what to write anyway hope you enjoyed it but I might not update for a few days because I'm hanging out with some mates of mine so I will be busy so yeah byeee

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