Thank you!

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I am so sorry for taking forever I really am the worst sometimes.

Thank you grammar Nazi's for pointing out my mistakes I have gone back and edited the previous chapters. I want to apologize for my grammar and spelling I've never been the best, not to mention I was pretty young when I started writing this. I will try to do better with both spelling and grammar.

A new chapter has been started.I am working on it as fast as I can and it should be up shortly. thank you to everyone who is still reading Alpha and Omega, you deserve more frequent updates and I don't have an actual excuse except for my own lack of motivation. That's not a good excuse I know and I'm sorry about that.

I want You all to know that you're the reason I'm continuing this story. Every comment and new follower. Even the comments that were only stating my mistakes because reading them made me want to better my writing skills and I hope I've done that. 

Once more thank you all so much and stay awesome! :) 

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