Chapter 6

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Nyxi's P.O.V

When the final bell rang, I quickly gathered my belongings and tried to get away before being confronted by Anni. She had made it obvious to me that she suspected something was wrong, and to be honest, I didn't really feel like talking about it. 'Even though I probably should confide in someone.' I quickly shook the thought away as my car came into view.

"Yes!" I exclaimed to myself, "I made it." I breathed a sigh of relief as I got into the car. As I was about to close the door though, I heard my name. 'No such luck.' I looked up with an innocent smile. "Hey Ann, how's it goin' ?" Maybe if I fake ignorance she'll leave it be.

"Drop the act we, both know something's not right. You've been acting strange lately." Her voice was monotonous, she was giving me a chance to give her information willingly. The only problem with that, well, I'm stubborn, and so my genius reply was,

"Strange, strange how?" Yeah, because that'll totally work...not. I was mentally kicking myself and she did not look amused in the slightest.

"Okay, you don't want to tell me, fine. But remember, I always find out in the end, whether it be from you, or someone else." She said in a sickeningly sweet voice and turned to leave.

       "Anni, wait!" Nearly panicking, I shot out of the car and grabbed her sleeve, "I can explain! I, just...." Sighing, I cut myself off. Anni nodded, giving me a look of understanding and sympathy, she then proceeded to get into the passenger seat of my car.

        We had driven to the edge of town where clean cut grass merged into an overgrown forest. From there, we hiked our way through small dips in the earth and roots that peeked just far enough out of the ground to be a minor annoyance but not a real problem before curving back into their hiding place below the dirt. We trampled on leaves and twigs that had fallen from the trees in past storms. Any normal human would try to find a more clear path, or just avoid the forest entirely. In our case, I t would have made more sense for the two of us to just shift into our wolf forms, but we were used to the irregularity of our chosen path, which was one that we had taken ever since we were young. Eventually, we made it to a small clearing that only the two of us and Hanna knew about. Sitting in the middle of our secret world, Anni patiently waited for me to explain myself.

       I took in a deep breath, "I found my mate." I said simply and bluntly, but with a twinge of uncertainty. I didn't think it was possible to say that phrase in such a way. That one, simple phrase is usually said with incomparable happiness and emotion. For me, I had succeeded in making it sound like a kid that couldn't go and play with the other kids because they had to go to the dentist. Anni was staring at me with different emotions in her eyes. I could tell she wanted to be happy for me, but she didn't know how to react to my tone.

       "Nyx, that's great, so why do you sound like your goldfish just died?" She finally asked, still unsure of the situation.

       "He's a part of the new omega family that joined the pack just a few days ago. My parents aren't exactly thrilled." I stated, finally letting my emotions pass my lips. I was happy because I found Chase but I was also filled with sadness, confusion, hurt, and anger.

       "Nyxi I"-

        "What am I supposed to do!?" I cut her off before she could try to comfort me. Anni was deep in thought for what seemed like an hour but was only a few short minutes

        "Nyxi, did your parents tell you to reject him?" She was still contemplating the situation, so I only nodded in reply. Her brown eyes looked at me with authority, and simply stated,

       "Don't." I would normally never let anyone look or speak to me in such a way, but seeing as how she's my best friend and future beta, she has a certain obligation to knock some sense into me, be it theoretical or literal. I looked at her expectantly 'What does she mean don't. I can't just ignore a direct order from my father, who also happens to be alpha. Can I?' Thinking to myself, I realized I was considering disobeying him anyway and that's why I was avoiding Chase. When said aloud, though, even if only stated in one word it sounded, I don't know crazy, maybe? Yeah, that's about right. No one went against the alpha, not even James or myself. We found that out when we were young. Anni sensed my internal strife and reached out to gently grab my shoulder.

       "You are the future alpha of the Moonflower pack Nyxi. Rejecting your mate is not something alpha Connors can decide for you because that is an issue that will affect how you will lead the pack when your time comes. He has no say in your decisions as alpha, that's why it is up to you to pick the right wolves for each position and not your father. Do you understand?" Listening to her, I knew she was right. This was my decision, not my fathers. Who was he to judge Chase and decide he wasn't strong enough to be an alpha? Sure maybe he didn't exactly look it but hey, neither did Danny. I pulled Anni into a tight hug thanking her and we made our way through the now dark forest back into town.

        Once home, I was confronted by James asking where I had been. After explaining that I was with Anni, he let me go up to my room where I could be alone. It was obvious now that I couldn't just reject Chase, although accepting him without making sure he was fit to be an alpha wasn't exactly smart either. This situation was difficult to deal with but not impossible. 'If he's not strong enough, I could always have someone train him.' Yeah, that was an easy enough problem to fix. 'The hard part,' I thought, 'will be getting my dad to accept that this is my decision and there's nothing he can do about it.' That sounded childish and bratty but hey, it's the truth. At least I have someone to talk to and to help me out when I need it, everything should work out just fine. Right?


Im sorry it's short but here it is the next chapter

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