Chapter 7

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Nyxi's P.O.V

       I awoke the next day to the "beautiful" sound of my mother banging on my door and shouting for me to get up. Why? That's easy-- I overslept due to the fact that I was up all night trying to find solutions to my many problems. To make matters worse, I also forgot to finish my homework. Yeah, today should be just great.

       Finally awake and dressed, I went downstairs with only enough time to grab an apple to go as my breakfast and apparently, my brother took off with my car. He had a flat, and dear old dad had already left which meant that I had to walk. I know you're not supposed to say this, but it couldn't possibly get any worse.

       Arriving at school, I walked to the office to get my tardy pass. Great, I missed the entire first period and was instructed to get to my second-period class immediately. "The way today's going, I might be hit by a truck or have something even worse happen!" I grumbled as I stalked to class. When I walked in, everyone stared at me until the teacher called the attention back to herself. Things keep getting better: there was a pop quiz in my history class and, like I thought, none of the teachers had forgotten to take up homework.

       At lunch, I finally caught a small break and was able to complete some of my homework with Hanna and Anni's help. The guys were off who knows where so I didn't have to deal with them, although Hanna did seem a little upset that Trey wasn't around she was easily distracted by the chatter of the day. Strangely enough, I couldn't hone in on Chase's scent in the cafeteria, even though the other omegas were clearly there. I was a little concerned since I had sensed him throughout the school, but with the day I was having, I didn't think on it too much. I ended up counting it as a blessing, I was glad that I didn't have that particular diversion to keep me from my short time of rest in this unusually hectic day.

        The bell signaling the end of lunch came too soon and I was debating whether I should skip my next class or not. Not only was it math, which is reason enough in my opinion, but it was also the class I have with Chase, and frankly, I didn't really feel like dealing with either.

       For some unknown reason, I went to class and like I thought it would be, it was torture. When I walked in I, saw the words 'POP QUIZ' written on the white board. Chase was already there, and he seemed on edge. Okay, so he kind of actually looked like a wreck. His clothes were dusty, a little torn, and his hair was disheveled. In other words, he looked how I felt. I took my seat and was about to ask what happened but just then Mrs. Sanders came in and slammed a ruler on the desk. She announced that there would be absolutely no talking, and then began passing out the test. I did my best to keep my attention on the paper in front of me but I wanted, no I needed to know what happened to Chase. He seriously looked like he had crawled through dirt and barbed wire to get to school. Thinking about it, I had seen him in the hall earlier that morning and he certainly didn't look like that, 'He looked as cute and nerdy as always.' I stopped myself at that thought, shook my head and went back to focusing on the test.

       The bell rang and before I had the chance to talk to Chase, he bolted. I tried to follow after him, but he was nowhere to be seen.

       The rest of the day was a little better than the beginning. Mainly thanks to the reason that I actually had my homework done. However, that's where the good stops. I was too busy thinking about what might have happened to Chase, that I wasn't able to concentrate on what the teachers were saying. 'Oh well,' I thought, 'maybe I can get some notes from Anni, she's usually pretty extensive when it comes to that.' The final bell rang and I rushed off to find James, hoping I could at least ride home in my own car. I found him talking to some of his friends, "Oh thank goodness, " I said to myself as I walked quickly towards him.

       "James," I shouted when I was almost there. He turned around and greeted me with a smile, saying,

       "Hey sis, what's up?" This annoyed me slightly as he was acting like he hadn't done anything,

       "You stole my car." I stated monotonously.

       "Oh, right, sorry about that Nyxi." He flashed an apologetic smile while rubbing the back of his head. I sighed,

       "It's fine but I need a ride home." He looked to his friends then back at me.

       "Can it wait?"

        "Or, you could give me back my keys?" I offered while giving him a look that warned against testing me. I held out my hand, waiting for his answer. He gave a defeated expression before looking to his friends, saying that he'd see them tomorrow.

       We got in the car and he started the engine, then looked at me expectantly.

       "So, how was your day?" He asked, but I gave him another warning glare and stated flatly,

       "Well, it started with you stealing my car."

       "Right, sorry about that but I needed it." He defended.                                                                                        

       "Why didn't you wake me up, we could have gone together," I stated angrily.                                            "You looked so peaceful," he answered simply, like that would make up for him stealing my car. I shot another glare his way but kept quiet. At this point, I just wanted the day to be over.


I have an editor now!  So basically that means I won't be killing your eyes and making you cringe from my not so great writing skills, yay!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2017 ⏰

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