Chapter 1

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'I pronouce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride'

(Beyoncé's P.O.V)

Right now I was looking at my new husband, after all the sweet things he said in our vows, I vowed to be with him forever, to be truthful at all times and to love him in sickness and in health til death tear us apart. It was all beautiful, but deep inside I wasn't happy with myself, I wasn't planning on being truthful at all times with him, in fact, at the moment I was hiding something very important from him: John came back from the dead.

Last month I interrogated this whore that was seen with him. Nobody knew it was actually him, but I knew because  saw the tattoo on the guys arms through the police picture and from that moment on, I was sure it was John.

She didn't tell me much about how he is, or how he escaped, I doubt she know much either, but all I know is that right now the crimes are getting bigger and more violent and I'm pretty sure who's behind it all.

'Bey, it's such a beautiful party!' My partner from work Kelly said. As we started talking I couldn't get my mind of Shawn and the mess w were gonna make in bed tonight. Our wedding was made on a beautiful garden, just outside New York, next to our new home. Light bulbs were hanging on the trees and the red carpet I had walked in was still there giving a nice contrast with all the green from the grass. White chairs were placed on the side of the red carpet and some people were still sitting in it even tho music was already playing for them to start dancing.

'Hey beautiful!' Shawn said as he gave me a kiss 

'Hey, enjoying youself?' 

'Not as much as I'm going to in a few hours' He said as he winked at me

'Well you still hadn't told me where we are going for our honey moon!'

'It's a surprise! You are gonna love it! I promise' He said sweetly as he kissed my hand and pushed me to the dance floor. We danced for a few hours to our favorite songs, it was much fun! As I looked into his eyes I forgot all about John, if I have him, I don't need anything else.

'Time to throw the bouquet!' I said and all the women at the party ran off to be right behind me to catch the bouquet. '1...2...3...' I threw it and my friend Michelle got it and gave a significant look to her boyfriend. With all the sad moans form the rest of the crowd me and Shawn said goodbye to be off to our honey moon. Everybody cheered for us as we drove away on our ''recently married'' car.

'So, where are we off to?' I asked Shawn, he grinned but didn't answer, so I got the idea that it was also a surprise, guh, I hate when he does that! After about 15 minutes we stopped in front of a beautiful and fancy motel. He gave me a naughty look as we checked into our room.

He carried me inside the room and put me gently in the bed. He started kissing me and getting thing going but I had a surprise for him, I stopped him and got up, I took my dress slowly making sure to show him my cleavage as I was wearing a beautiful white lingerie, he started moaning as I got closer to him and kissing him and loving him all night long.


Well that's is the beginning of our sequel, I wasn't planning on doing one but since you guys were so bumped it was the end of Mafia of Love I decided to turn things around for you :)

I don't have the whole story figured out yet, so it might take me a while to wirte the whole things, be patient! Don't forget to vote and comment I love to hear your opinion.

Oh and by the way, as this story is called Dangerously in Love and Bey is the only one who knows John is back there are gonna be more chapters on her P.O.V than Shawn's

Hope you like it! :)

Dangerously In Love (Sequel)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora