Chapter 5

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(Shawn's P.O.V.)

Bey called from a hospital at 2 AM, she was with her friend Kelly and she explained why she didn't answer the phone, I felt pretty bad that I had revealed her position, but she could have turned her phone off. I decided I wanted to see her since I was alone in the house and that I don't really sleep that well when she's not around, so I took the car and I went to the hospital.

On the way I had to pass through Brooklyn, I did miss that neighborhood, everything seemed quiet, even tho it was only 2 AM and for Brooklyn that is really ealry. Except for maybe one scream I heard coming from a small street, it was a girl's scream.

I decided to stop and follow it, I know it's dangerous but I had my gun with me and something about that scream made me want to help. When I got to the place where the scream came from I saw a little teenage girl holding her belly and breathing hard.

'Are you ok?' I said and she suddenly turned and tried to escape, but she was in much pain 'Look, don't worry, I can help you, I'll take you to the hospital, that's it!' She looked at me and nodded, so I took her in my arms and put her on the back of my car, as I was already going to a hospital I didn't need to make no turns. 'Look, my name is Shawn, whoever you are just stay with me ok?'

'Ok' she whispered, I was really worried with that girl, she was clearly stabbed on the stomach and normally people don't survive after that, she was losing a lot of blood and it was falling on the floor of my car, but I didn't care I just needed to save her.

(Beyoncé's P.O.V.)

Shawn said that he was gonna meet me in the hospital hall, since that's where I've been for a few hours, Kelly is gonna be fine, she was shot on the shoulder and she'll need sometime to recover but it was nothing serious, thank God, if something happened to her I'd never forgive myself.

I called Shawn after a while because I was feeling lonely and worried, the doctors were still working on Kelly that time so I felt like I needed a shoulder, so I called my husband. He said he would be here any minute.

After a while he arrived, but to my surprise he was full of blood and he was carrying what looked like an unconscious teenage girl, I suddenly screamed ''EMERGENCY!'' Cuz I thought he was hurt too, but when the hospital bed came to take the girl away I could see that he was just fine, it was the girl's blood.

'What happened?' I asked him

'I was on my way over here, but then I heard a scream coming from a small street and it was that girl, she was stabbed so I helped her.' Hearing him say that made me love him even more, he was so generous and caring for others, a perfect cop

'Oh babe, I'm so proud of you!' I said while kissing his entire face

'Thank you.... Babe...' He said laughing cuz I couldn't stop kissing him 'What about you? What happened?' He said finally pulling me away gently, I explained to him everything except that I was investigating those murders and he nodded.

'But you gotta say, it was kinda funny' He said finally


'Smooth criminal!' He said laughing 'It totally set the mood!' I was so mad at him right now, I looked at him and he immediately stopped laughing cuz he saw I wasn't at all happy. 'Ok, sorry, but you should have turned off your phone! You know one of the precautions is doing that!'

'I know, I know, it wasn't entirely your fault!'

'It was NOT my fault, I was worried it was 11 PM and you weren't home yet, no note, nothing! Look Bey you gotta start telling me where you are at'

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