Chapter 9

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(Beyoncé's P.O.V.)

'Ok... You got 3 seconds to tell me who your boss is'

'3?' He said silly 'That's not fair, they normally give me 5 seconds!' He was totally high, I think I might have exaggerated on the pain killers and ruined the whole interrogation. I'm guessing I was overexcited with the whole thing, his name was Geordan Cash and he had the answer I needed

'Ok, ok' I breathed deeply '5 seconds'

'Erm... how about a minute? .... I like your boobs!' 

'Shut up!' I said slapping him in the face, right after I did that he started crying like a little baby and asking for his mother. Now picture this: A huge, tall guy with loads of tattoos and piercing all over his body, with a big beard and a t-shirt of guns and roses, crying like a little baby. Yeah I think I exaggerated the pain killers. 'Ok, no, stop, STOP!'

'No, you stop screaming at me! I'm tired of being screamed at ok? I have feeling ok? It's not like... Ok?  Just because I'm a drug dealer and that I kill people all the time, doesn't mean I don't have feeling ok? And also, just because I work for the biggest and most dangerous drug dealer in town doesn't mean I like him ok? He's an ass, screams at me all the time!' Now this was getting interesting, I felt the anxiety of finding out who it was 

'And who's your boss, I'm going to fight with him for screaming at you!' I felt it getting closer...

'Will you?' He was going to say it soon


'And will you tell him that I have feelings?'

'Yes' He was gonna say his name in a second....

'Well his name is Mac Rafi'


'But we call him Raf, you know he was fun until he became the boss of the whole operation, now he's too bossy...'

'Wait what? Mac Rafi?'


'Isn't it, John?'

'John? John Morrissey? That guy has been dead for years!'

'What? No! But I saw him'

'Lady I think you must be mistaken, he's dead!' I couldn't believe it 'Can I have a muffin? I'm hungry...' I gave him the muffin and sat down. 'You ok?' He asked, I just couldn't answer. I had the information to shut down the case, but it wasn't what I expected, not at all... All this work... for nothing!

I let him get back to the prison and I got to my car, after I called Kelly and told her that I had found out who the boss was and she was all excited, I tried to be too, but I just couldn't. I had to head home to talk to Lina, she was the only one who knew about everything that was going on. Luckily when I got there, Shawn wasn't home. She was watching TV alone

'Hey Bey, you're early! How was the interrogation?' She asked, and when she did I just started crying, because it was so frustrating. She held me 'What happened?'

'It's not John... It's some random guy!'

'But that's good isn't it? You don't have to worry about John anymore!'

'yeah but... I worked so hard to put him down!'

'But he's already down!'

'But it was all a waste!'

'I understand you're upset now, but once you get to see this whole thing is a good thing, you will be happy.'

'I don't know...'

'Did you want to see John again bey?' She asked me that question and I knew the answer, but I just wouldn't say it, she got it tho 'Look, I understand that maybe he was the guy who was with you through your childhood, but he hurt you, you and Shawn and he could do worst, now you can move on'

'Yeah I guess... You're so wise, you're just 15 for Heaven's sake!'

'I've been through a lot...'

'I know honey, I know... It's all over now, it's all over' I don't know if I was telling myself that or if I was telling her, somehow it was for both of us and it would be ok...

For the rest of the day we shopped and bought her new clothes and new stuff for her room, we had a great time, it was over... It was gonna be ok....



'So... did she buy it?'

'Yes boss, she did' Said Geordan Cash

'Great everything is going as planned, you'll be rewarded at the right time.'


Ok y'all, I hope I didn't disappoint you on this, but it's just a little bit of climax ok?

Don't forget to vote and comment, I want at least 5 comments from you guys this time ok? Thanks for reading!

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