Chapter 14

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(Shawn's P.O.V.)

'SHAWN! SHAWN WHERE ARE YOU?' I heard my wife scream through the house, I felt weak, I had just woke up, I was Lina's bedroom floor and my head hurt like hell, I really don't know what happened, so I started calling out for help

'BEY! LINA!' I tried to scream harder but I couldn't, luckily Bey found me. But when I saw her I let out a little scream 'What happened to you?' I said worried, she cuts all over her face, there was blood on her shirt and her arm was like upside down practically. She sat down next to me and started kissing me ignoring my question

'Oh Shawn, I'm so glad you're ok! Oh Shawn I love you!' 

'What happened?' I asked again hoping she would answer this time.

'It's a long story!'

'Well tell me'

'Ok' She said after she took a deep breath. She started telling me everything that happened since teh call she received from Lina's school til how she escaped from John, I had to say I was pretty shocked to find out that he was still alive

'And then...'

'And then... Oh babe...' She started crying 'Lina... He... He killed her.' Those lasts words made me get up from where I was, my head started spinning, Bey asked me to sit down and so I did. She continued telling me how John locked her up and how her father helped her escape, even tho she didn't use the word ''father'' I knew it was him. She told me that they were in the living room right now with Lina's body. Tears went down my face. But I was glad that John was finally dead and that Bey can let this go, because her revenge is over. 

'Let's go talk to them' I said finally after a minute of silence 'We gotta get you to a hospital'

'Sure babe, c'mon.' I can't believe she had to go through all that by herself. But I'm glad my Miss Independent is fine now.

We went to the living room and my heart dropped just to see Lina's little body laying down lifeless, it was horrible. I had so much for that girl, considered her as my daughter, she was so talent and young and now... Gone.

'Babe, let's go' Bey called me to the car. I took Lina into my arms and her body felt heavy, but I didn't care.


(A few months later)

'NOOOOO! I DON'T WANNA DO THIS ANYMORE! IT HURTS THE HELLL!' Bey was screaming, my heart was still racing from everything. It's funny how everything ends up in a hospital

'Babe, how are the contractions?'

'How do you think they're?' She said angry and I realized I made a stupid question, but I was so nervous, I was gonna be a father! The nurse came over to see how Bey was and said she was doing fine, it would only take another half hour. 'HALF HOUR? UGGGHH!'

'Bey, your parents are here...' I said awkwardly. Ever since I took her and Lina to the hospital that day Bey refuses to talk to her parents, they talked that day, they explained everything to Bey, but unfortunately to them, she didn't forget or forgive, she wouldn't even let me talk about them, and as she was pregnant I didn't want to upset her, but my opinion is that she is being a little to hard on them.

'Ugh, why?'

'They wanna see you'

'Right now? I don't want to see them' But it was too late, the nurse had already let them in, when Bey saw them she had another contraction, screaming and smashing my hands, practically breaking  it.

'How are you doing honey?' Tina asked sweetly

'I'm ok' Bey said coldly, Matthew and Tina looked at each other sadly. I took them both outside so we could talk, as we never got the chance to do it with all that confusion

'Look, now is not the right time'

'It's never the right time' Matthew complained 'We already apologized! You have no idea how much we regret it!'

'And also, that's our grandchild' Tina added

'I know, I know, but she's been through some stuff the last couple of months and right now she's having my baby so, let her be. I promise I'll make an opportunity for you to talk, just not right now ok?'

'Fine, but let us know if she and the baby are ok'

'I'll' They said their goodbyes and left, now I was thinking how was O gonna get Bey to talk to them?

'SHAAAAWN GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!' I ran quickly to her room and both nurses and doctors were there, the baby was coming.

'Congratulations! A beautiful baby girl! What are you gonna name her?' I looked at Bey and she seemed so tired with her face full of sweat from all the work and I appreciated her the most for giving me that beautiful and healthy child

'Lina, her name is Lina.'

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