Chapter 8

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(Shawn's P.O.V.)

Ever since I found out what Bey was up to I haven't treated her the same. I wasn't able to shove it off her face and I understand that doing that would be very childish and I'd turn out to be the wrong person at the fight, even tho she did very wrong on not telling me about him.

What I've been doing is: I gave her all sort of chances for her to tell me about him, for example this one time we were at dinner and I got to the topic of her case, she dismissed it telling me it ws all about the murders and then I said

'Thank God John isn't here anymore right?' I joked, she gave me a smile and went back to her plate.

Several times I did that, not once she was able to really tell me what's going on, I'm just waiting for the right opportunity to talk to her IF she doesn't talk herself.

For now I think it would be unwise to start looking for John myself, even tho I hate the guy and I have no idea how he escaped since I put him on fire. Because for one he's smart, he's hiding, for two, I'm defending my family Lina and Bey, if I get closer he might take the threat and hurt them.

Now I'm going to pick Lina up from the hospital, we haven't officially adopted her yet but since the doctor said she needed care and we volunteered to help, she'll be staying with us for a month and while then the adoption will happen. We haven't told her that yet, we want it to be a surprise.

'Hey, so ready to go?' I said as I got to her room

'Yeah, i'm! But where is Bey?'

'She went to pick up our dinner for the night, she'll be home by the time we get there'

'Oh ok.' I received the doctor's paper saying she was good to go and helped her get to the car. 'Wait are we going to Manhattan?' She said as we made our way to the apartment

'Yeah, didn't you know?'

'No, the home is in Brooklyn'

'Lina, you're staying with us for a month until you recover completely, ok?'


'I thought Bey told you about that'

'She did, I just thought it was a joke' I laughed at that, poor thing. All the way up to our place she kept looking outside the window amazed, I asked her if she had been to Manhattan before and she said not really. When we got to the apartment Bey was waiting for us with the dinner ready. Lina was anxious to eat something nice because at the hospital she could only eat soup.

'Wow, this is great Bey, you're a great cooker!' She nicely, me and Bey looked at each other and burst out laughing, we just couldn't stop 'What, what is it?'

'Bey wouldn't cook to save her life!' I said still laughing, Bey smile faded and she gave me a slap in the shoulder

'Shut up, don't say it like that in front of her!' She fought with me even tho she was still laughing

'Oh ok, i'm sorry I didn't know you couldn't cook'

'I can, I just don't want to' She said and I laughed even louder

'Ok... ok, let her believe that' I said whispering to Lina 'Otherwise she gets a little crazy' We both laughed and Bey told me to shut up again. We continued dinner talking about Lina's future and the school she was gonna study after she recovered. After we were done, I cleaned the dishes and Bey showed Lina to the spare room she was going to stay in.

(Beyoncé's P.O.V.)

'Ok hon, so this is it! I would love to go shopping with you to buy new clothes and new stuff for your room, we just gotta find sometime ok?'

'Oh that's great! Thanks Bey... For everything!' She said hugging me, I hugged her back feeling so much love for her. I put her to bed and went to meet Shawn at our room.

I've been having a feeling that he knows about everything, but that couldn't be possible unless he went through my stuff and I doubt he would do that, maybe he's just suspicious and he's waiting for me to confess, but that's not gonna happen.

Out relationship had been kinda down lately, we haven't had sex in about 3 months and that's not normal at all to us, after we got together we used to do it almost everyday, we just couldn't get over each other, but now, I see him and I'm so tired I can't even think about doing anything.

I blame myself for it, I mean, I've been the one working, working and working, he's doing his normal job and he's been at home lonely ever since I started working on the case, I felt really bad, but it was something that I needed to finish and I was so close, this close to getting to the boss.

Tomorrow as the guy hasn't talked yet, they are gonna give him some drugs, like painkillers, so he can talk like the other one did and I really hope it works.

'Hey babe...' He said as I came in the room, I knew he wanted, but I was still tired


'Come here' He said holding my waist and kissing me 'I really think we're doing the right thing with Lina'

'I know babe, thank you so much for backing me up on this, it means a lot to me'

'No problem, you know I'll always be there for you, no matter what'

'I know'

'Do you?' He said quietly


'Nothing' He dismissed. After that we didn't speak, but I got the hint, ugh I hated when he did that, why couldn't he just tell me what was wrong? 

He started kissing me harder and caressing my body with his big hands, I was getting turned on, hard. So I forgot all about how tired I was. The thing is I was really stressed with the whole thing and there was nothing better than sex to heal my nerves, actually there is nothing better than sex for everything, so I let him control me. I let him take my shirt and my pants off, I let him take my panties with his teeth and caress my whole body with his lips and tongue. I let him do that right in the middle of my legs making me scream silently not to wake up Lina, I let him enter me slowly and I begged him to go harder and faster. Our rhythm was intense, he felt so damn good inside of me. We made love all night long and in the morning I woke up in his arms again. Everything was fine.


Ok, this was kinda vanilla cuz I don't want to get to the good part just yet, but the next chapter will have more action, I promise :)

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to vote and comment!

P.S: Last chapter, I was a little disappointed because I didn't get as many comments as I expected so, can you pls tell me what you think of the chapter this time? ;)

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