Chapter 15 - The last one

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(Beyoncé's P.O.V.)

'C'mon Lina, you can do it! C'mon, walk to mommy' I was talking to my daughter, she was already about 1 year and 3 months old, I wanted her to walk, she was already on her feet, but as she looked at me, with the camera in my hands, she sat down on the floor again and started laughing. 'Ugh, c'mon!'

'Babe, stop pressuring her, it's gonna come.' Shawn said grabbing her from the floor and lifting her up the air, her laugh filled up the room

'Daddy!' She screamed laughing, yes she could already say some words like: mommy, milk, food, ball and daddy. But she just refused to take her first step.

'Alright, alright' He said putting her down, she got a little dizzy at first but then she opened her arms to Shawn so he could lift her up again 'No, daddy is tired' She lifted her arms and gave a little scream so he lifted her up again and started playing with her. Now I had something to shoot, those two were amazing together. 'Now I need to talk to mommy' He said putting her down, she crawled to where I was sitting and made herself comfortable in my lap.

'Shawn, I know what this is about ok?'

'They just want to see her'

'Why do they get to have the right to see my baby? They left me, they weren't part of my life until now, so... I don't know.'

'I'm just saying maybe you should give them a chance, they did help you out with John, they saved your life'

'Yeah well... That doesn't make up to everything they did'

'I know it doesn't, but it's a start' He said looking deeply in my eyes, we've been discussing about this ever since Lina was born 'Well, whether you want it or not, they are coming fro Christmas next week.'

'WHA? I thought only your mama would come'

'She coming too'

'Ugh Shawn, right for Christmas?'

'Yeah, I thought it would be nice you having your family around'

'My family is here, you and Lina'

' I know babe, but your parents...'

'You know what Shawn, fine! If it means so much to you, I'll give them a chance!'

'GREAT! Great, babe, thank you! That means a lot to me! I know you're suffering over this, so I want it to just be ok'

'I'm not suffering over this' Lina gave a little scream I guess she didn't like my tone, she thought we were fighting 'It's ok, baby, it's ok' I said kissing her fat cheeks.

'She looks so much like you' Shawn said while admiring Lina

'You think?'

'Yeah, she's beautiful, I couldn't ask for anything better than this' He gestured our whole house. We moved in to a new place. That old apartment brought back bad memories, this was a fresh start. And it was great, me, Shawn and Lina.


'HONEY, they are here!' Shawn screamed from downstairs, I was still getting me and Lina ready for our Christmas dinner, she was wearing a cute little red dress with a green ribbon on her head and I was wearing this white dress with a few golden details, I really loved both of our looks.

'I'm coming!' I was nervous right now, I was suppose to talk to my parents, they were coming over early so we can have a proper conversation. I took Lina, and went downstairs, before Shawn could open the door he said

'Be nice ok? You told me you would give them a chance'

'Alright, alright'

'Hello Mr, and Mrs, Knowles, c'mon in' Shawn said greeting them as they came through the door. I didn't say anything, Shawn gave me that look and all I could do was smile a little bit. 'Ok, now I'll take Lina, and you guys can go to the living room' He took her from my arms and led us to the living room 'I'll be upstairs'

'Thank you Shawn' Tina said, we all sat down and just stared at each other.

'You look beautiful Bey' Matthew said, I didn't respond 'Look, I don't know what else we can do to make you forgive us, God that's ENOUGH! I saved your life, we've been trying to call you and contact you ever since that messed up thing you were involved with John and you... You just DON'T care' he said almost crying, I was pissed

'Oh I, I don't care? I'm sorry, where were you 20 years ago? 15 years ago? When I was getting ''involved with John'' FYI I had no option, it was him or being a hooker, what do you think it's best? Now you don't have the right to throw anything in my face, you didn't do anything! Shawn did, if it wasn't for Shawn, I wouldn't be here, I'd be dead'

'Yeah, but if Shawn means so much to you why can't you do what hes asking and forgive us?'

'You think I'm gonna go through with seeing you everyday like nothing happened?'

'We can start over honey, please, Matthew, You're being too hard' Tina said holding my hands. Her touch felt warm, being a mother to me makes me understand the love of a real mom, and as a real mom I'd never be able to leave my baby, never. Matthew stood up and paced around the room pissed 'Look we love you Bey, we love you so much, and there is nothing in the WHOLE world that I don't regret more than leaving you on that door. I was just so scared... I'm sorry, there's no explanation whatsoever for what we did.' 

We stayed quiet for a while I didn't know what to say, there wasn't much to say at all. I just thought maybe I couldn't live with this resentment in my heart no longer. I was starting fresh right? So why not give them a chance like I promised Shawn.


'What?' They both said not believing it

'I'm... I'm gonna forgive you but... Baby steps ok? Just start over, from zero, and taking it slow.' My mother immediately hugged me so tight, I guess she didn't understand the ''baby steps'' part. But enjoyed the hug, it felt safe, my dad came to join us after a few seconds; I never felt so loved in my life

'BABE! OH good, everything is good! It's Lina, baby steps' Shawn came running to us

'SHE'S WALKING?' And then suddenly my baby showed up on the living room on her feet and walked silly to me, she was still getting the hang of it, but it was great! 'I can't believe I didn't get to film this'

'Don't worry, I bet you'll never forget' Shawn said kissing me. Lina was in my arms, my parents held us one more time. 

We were a happy family right now. Christmas was great all Shawn brothers, his mom, my parents having a blast with Lina, she was a real character. And I just looked at that Christmas when it started snowing and it was just perfect, like so many years to come.


Well guys this is the end of our story :(

None of my other stories have been so emotional for me to write, the comments and the votes made me really happy and made me go on writing the best I could to you guys

I really hope you like the ending! Thank you so much for reading my story!

Love y'all ;')

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